Why do these little motors bother some people? They are mush more quiet then allot of other things we just take for granted. I live close to an airport that is really noisy and garbage trucks and the Boom cars. I think we are easy to catch and just a different sound then normal. I got kids who have PA speakers on their cars and trucks with songs that the words are blank this and blank your blank, blank, blank. Most police are good hard working protectors of our rights, but some it is the easiest route is the way they go. No solutions from me, just airing my 2 cents. I have been lucky on my bike, but had many a run in with the law just to mention a few of my offences, "Being to stupid and yelling at gang members" My fault the pulled the gun. "Sitting in a park watching the sun set on the Water" unless you are fishing it is loitering, 5 times on that one, I am a habitual loiter. Sleeping in my car while my wife was shopping, I was surrounded by cops for that one. I must just look like a felon.