My new boots arrived this morning. Actually they're second hand boots, but in very nice condition. I purchased them from a lady who sells horse riding stuff, - they're not exactly proper horse riding boots, - but at least they look properly intrepid and aren't sissy looking boots. Sissy boots with silly heels aren't any good for hanging about at a race track you know.
My new boots cheered me up no end because I've been having a lot of problems with joint and muscle pain over the past few days and haven't been able to do much at all. Today I seem to be just about pain free and so far haven't needed to take any of my pain meds. Don't like taking pills
My hat will arrive sometime next week which will be really corker. I went down to the township on my bicycle this morning and purchased a lovely long black pencil pleat skirt. I couldn't find a nice posh blouse because i wanted one with long sleeves and being Summer at the moment everything in the shops has short sleeves. I'll check out the Sally Army next week and see wot they've got.
I'm hoping the weather will be cooler by March as i want to wear my posh coat. My Mum trained as a seamstress and after I finished my social work training I went to work for a disability employment agency and they fancied themselves a bit on the corporate side, so Mum made me this beautiful long dark charcoal grey woollen coat from an old pattern she had.
If the weather's still hot like it is now I'll have to try and think of something else (sigh).
And then I'll have get myself some new stockings because my dearest daughter has borrowed all mine and they're all full of ladders. I'll need some new underpinnings too. For working around the house and in the workshop my old ones are fine, but not really the best for going out.
I just realised this morning that so far I've spent more on my clothes for this trip out to the races than I have on my cyclecar. Under my system of accounting any parts I've had in stock for more than a year without being used are considered to have cost me nothing (Don't look at me like that it's a good system). Sooooo totaling up recent purchased parts especially for the Colombe, - wood, nuts and bolts and washers, sprockets & etc I get something like $NZ60.00. And if I total up the cost of my hat, shoes and skirt I get more than that.
For a couple of minutes I thought that perhaps that should worry me, then I remembered all the stuff I learned about gender specific psycho-social conditioning according to age-stage theory while I was studying for my psychology cleverness certificates and I decided that I was completely normal and had nothing to worry about.
So there you go all those years of study and exams were finally useful for something