Maybe I am more aware of these people, or maybe there are just more of them around here, I don't know. But first;
I was working in Red Lodge Montana for a few weeks. They were having a pre-Sturgis motorcycle festival, and I saw about a hundred different bikes a day- not exaggerating. There were more than that in town on any given day.
Of course I backed my rear wheel into the curb in whatever bunch of 50k+ cookie cutter motorcycles there were in front of wherever I wanted to be. Got funny looks from some, but most (especially Europeans) knew what my bike is and liked it. And it is true- girls like gasbikes! If I had a banana seat I coulda... but I digress.
Of all those bikes, there were only two that caught my attention. An old pan head Harley just like my dear ol moms, and an Indian that looked alot like my gasbike! THAT was the coolest thing in town.
Sooo, as I was leaving town, some bicycle road race was coming through. Spandex as far as the eye could see!!! In teams no less. A bunch of hot pink and green, then purple and white, yellow and blue, orange and... well, you get it. Each bunch of non natural colour explosions offered a new chuckle. I'm starting to like these people, if only for the entertainment value