Cool! Are those 20" wheels?
Very cool... It looks just like my 1950 Schwinn did before I "Bomberized" it!
Be careful riding it, (those forks don't handle very well)
It doesn't handle because the rake/trail is not correct...this causes a 'flip-flop' is general rule to have between 2-4inches of trail for best handling..For those who have no idea how to measure this here's a diagram-->
Plane dangerous if you have the front end geometry incorrect IMHO...
Nice ride, my man.
What was the original bike, vintage, brand?
I was SO going to put on a lowrider springer fork on my ride. But for safe commuting I'll stick to a normal springer. Or one of those double spring forks, they look so dang good on a MB.
I have some ideas for my next cruiser that will use a leaf spring front end, but that is some custom work that is just a lil bit out of my price range at the moment. I also want to stretch my Schwinn Jaguar frame by about 4 inches and tilt the upper portion of the seat post back about 3 inches as well... I can go on and on.