Bairdco Racing Series, September 15th at Adams


New Member
May 24, 2011
I will show up with my eCortina. My friend Tim will be riding.

Is there an overall post with details for the race?
Is there power for charging batteries in the pit area?
What happens with numbers?
Show up at the gate at 2pm or earlier?

Really looking forward to seeing all the great bikes and having a great time!


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
the points issue is something we need to work out, as well as the final positions for you guys.

with the small turnout at the last race, the whole point system kinda got put on the back burner. it's gonna depend on what we plan for next year.

if we figure out how to make the points system work, i promise i'll make sure everyone gets what they deserved.

to be honest, i'm not too excited about losing any more money doing this, and the retarded in-fighting is turning me off to hosting races by myself.

next year, i'd like to get together with a bunch of you guys to make this work out a bit smoother.

for this race, i need to get you guys together and figure out exactly what classes you're in. i wasn't going around checking everyone's bikes, i was relying on you guys to speak up, and no one did.

rwp, there's no charge for power, practice starts at 2pm. i'll post up more details when i get off my phone and on a computer.

any questions, you guys can always email me at [email protected]
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New Member
May 24, 2011
Hi Roy, good to see you back on the bike after burning it up at Willow Springs on June 2011. Been a lot of changes since then. :)

Hey there MotorBicycleRacing.

Astro motors, pictured in your post above, are overrated for this this sort of thing, probably won't be using them again. But maybe my little Turnigy is also not up to today's needs...

The whole drive train has been revised, and because I made the motor plate and clamp myself much cleaner than adapting parts made by others. Very satisfying.

It's been over a year, with some serious health challenges, and I look forward to seeing all the changes. I think it may take 2 motors like this to be a real runner these days - or something completely different...we shall see!

Anyway, I really look forward to seeing all the new and old machines and connecting and reconnecting with all the great people racing motor bikes.

How do I get photos into posts besides attachment thumbs, like you have above?



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
Hey there MotorBicycleRacing.

Anyway, I really look forward to seeing all the new and old machines and connecting and reconnecting with all the great people racing motor bikes.

How do I get photos into posts besides attachment thumbs, like you have above?
Click the "Insert Image" button on the menu bar and paste the URL where your photo is hosted or you can type Image Tags around your photo link like this.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Bako, CA
Roy (RWP)
There's a few electric outlets; the track is in a bowl with a pit lane down/center. Just as you drive down, there's a kart/weigh station w/outlet on your right; another 60' there's an outlet behind the port-a-potties, and a 3rd on a pole near the start line scorekeeping hut. I can get by on my (2stroke) mini-gen to keep those 20amp outlets freed up.

Hope that's a Turnigy130, it has a bit more copper than the 3220 you fried at WillowSprings.

Not much point in getting there much before 2pm, though downtown Riverside, 2.5mile up Market Str, has nice resturants for lunch, mmmm . .

Gotta say, the new sweeper that Baird has talked about opening up, will not only enhance passing action, but is gonna be highspeed hairy. We're talking 30-40mph 90degree banked over with a tiny tight S'ie while braking. FUN!!

Hey Baird, upside down points to 10th. 1st gets 10pts, 2nd gets 9pts, 3rd gets 8pts, so on. . Everybody who lines up to race gets 1 pt, including the diehards who sloshed up 3/17. And, if the 2strokers are OK with this, I'd like to have points for finishing 5th last June. Hope to have a surprise to display on the table this Sat.
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New Member
May 24, 2011
Hey Will,

Great to hear from you. Yeah, it's a 130.
Thanks for the info.

See you at the races!


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
i think points are kinda meaningless right now. last race had 20+ people, and what, 10 finishes?

this race, who knows?

i've got another race scheduled for december, but i'm not sure if it's gonna happen. i'm looking into other venues/tracks, but right now i'm not that enthused with the whole deal.

but that attitude may change after saturday... :)

if i keep doing this next year, i'm thinking prepaid entries with a membership, and giving out numbers on a first come first served basis with your payment.

it all comes down to the lack of racers showing up. do i give out points to the 6 of us who showed up and rode in the rain?

does it really matter yet?

i know it'd be nice to award numbers and prizes based on a point system, but where are those prizes coming from? my pockets aren't deep enough, and the people who said they were gonna donate stuff, didn't (with the exception of arrow cycles. thanks guys!)

if any of you guys wanna talk about a joint/group effort for next year, i'm all ears. ;)


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
i've got an idea.

two classes.

the beginner, slow guy, apehanger, fat old man class.

and the rest. run everyone together. 20 racers randomly picked for each heat.

top ten from each heat race a final.

award trophies to overall winner, fastest ebike, four stroke, two stroke, etc.

waddaya think?


New Member
Apr 9, 2011
Yucaipa, CA
Probably your best idea yet... Well, there was that one time you ran naked through a swarm of angry bees, but I can't hold you to that level in your old age. LOL