Not much progress at this point, just wanted to give an update that I'm here and project is not abandoned
I finally found a 2.6mmx0.45 thread die to do thread my spokes. This will be massively fun. 72 spokes, about 1" each. That a whopping 72" or a mere 6ft of threads on stainless spokes. I may get a bit smarter and cut spokes to correct lenght before threading them. Thats ONCE I can calculate the right lenght.
Did some welding on the freshly painted front fork. Thats always nice on fresh paint. I forgot to weld the tab to lock drum, so that it will not rotate while braking. DUH! Live and learn, now I am thinking of giving the whole thing "steel wool treatment" to make it old looking...
Sprockets will be a bit complicated. My gearing is currently 12x43 with 16" wheels. Thats original Guzzi.
Now..... thats NOT going to work with 26" wheels. It would be mighty fast, assuming it actually had power to move. Then again, it does not. It may be called a "Racer", but with 220lbs and 1HP, the rhino won. I did what I could, drilled a ****load of holes here and there, but it's a loosing battle.
I have ordered a 59 teeth Motobecane sprocket (to replace the 43) for the rear hub. Since the offset is wrong and it will not fit, I'll have to do the following:
- Put it on lathe and cut the inside material out, leaving only the teeth left. Kind of like GrandPa's dentures;-)
Then take the old spocket and chunk it on lathe too, cut the gears out and make a fiction fit. Once thats done, I can weld it together. Not necessarily pretty, but it will work. I may even have to do the same with front spocket, we'll see.