Bike wont start, help?


New Member
Hey so i'm new to the site. I read a few other threads with similar problems but a lot of the lingo I don't understand. So heres the problem: I rode it (80cc kit) home last night, no problems. Left it in the garage over night and now today, it wont start. I was thinking that that black wire from the CDI to the spark plug has a bad connection so i stripped the wire and wrapped the copper directly around the nail, but still nothing. I checked the magneto and it looked a tiny tiny bit rusted. Im not sure if Im getting a spark, but my guess would be no. Im not sure really how to check if there is a spark.
Please help!
(its been running smooth with the same fuel for a few days before this happened)
I'm no expert here. but is there some way you can safely jack your rear wheel off the ground, and then try and pedal the engine over with the plug out, and grounded to check for a spark?
remove the sparkplug and hold it against the head while cranking the engine. The spark will be visible if working.
Hello all, I have a very similar "Won't Start" problem, I have not been able to get it started not even one time, not even with a powerful pedaling!
I have a generic 2 stroke 80cc chineese engine.
Everything is installed on the bike as it should be.
It is getting fuel, as I can see the fuel flowing through the hose, I have a standard NT carburator, I took the filter off and it has fuel fumes, I also unscrewed the bottom screww off the carburator just to see if it had fuel on the bottom and it does, so it is getting fuel. I also checked to see if the throthle pulls the needle up and down and it looks just fine, it pulls up and when released it goes back to the bottom as it should.
I replaced the spark plug for a brand new one, replaced the selenoid this time I did not conect the kill switch, STILL WONT START!. I am using 2 ounces of oil to 1 US quart of gas. What am I doing wrong?? Please Help!
Hello all, I have a very similar "Won't Start" problem, I have not been able to get it started not even one time, not even with a powerful pedaling!
I have a generic 2 stroke 80cc chineese engine.
Everything is installed on the bike as it should be.
It is getting fuel, as I can see the fuel flowing through the hose, I have a standard NT carburator, I took the filter off and it has fuel fumes, I also unscrewed the bottom screww off the carburator just to see if it had fuel on the bottom and it does, so it is getting fuel. I also checked to see if the throthle pulls the needle up and down and it looks just fine, it pulls up and when released it goes back to the bottom as it should.
I replaced the spark plug for a brand new one, replaced the selenoid this time I did not conect the kill switch, STILL WONT START!. I am using 2 ounces of oil to 1 US quart of gas. What am I doing wrong?? Please Help!

Lets see, I've read this post somewhere else. Yes it's a common problem...that has been discussed in numerous stickies on both forums.
My bike ran perfect for a year then suddenly just stopped, seemingly no spark as the cause. I had just remixed a new batch of gas, so i figured that maybe the issue was too much oil in my mix and I fouled the plug. I drained the gas and replaced with new mix, changed the plug and still nothing. I called venice motor bikes and they informed me to change out the magneto coil - problem solved. Also very simple to switch out. I would try this before anything. You simply snip wires, pull out the old, replace with new and rewire.
Thank you very much for your suggestion, it will definately come in handy in the future should I run in to the same problem. In this case the head on my engine, was placed backwards at factory, soon as I noticed and switched it, it started right up!