We admit that Alan ******* returned an engine and that we intended to examine it for warranty repair. As is common to warranty claims everywhere, we would normally examine the engine for signs of failure ranging from everything from manufacturing defects to abuse. Preliminary examination of the engine showed that the identification markings on the engine did not match the identification markings for the engine that we shipped to him. The engine that he returned had the wrong production date and the attached U.S. EPA Certification Sticker was for a different standard than our engines were required to conform to. Further, the engine was returned in another vendor’s engine box. Due to these discrepancies, the warranty examination process was halted.
When notified of our discrepancies, Alan ******* acknowledged the engine markings might not match. He claimed that he had painted the original outer engine shroud and that he had replaced the painted original with one from another engine before sending it back. Obviously, there is absolutely no way that we can validate his claim that he changed the engine's shroud to one from another motor. We have to assess the situation with the evidence that we were present with. No one would warranty an engine that showed to have been purchased from another source. When presented with the same scenario, any judge, jury or warranty repair center would have ruled the same as us.
Secondly, Allan ******* returned only the engine (not the Drive System, Tank, Sprocket, Chain, Muffler, Hand Controls, Cables etc). We originally sent Alan ******* two packages and he only returned the engine in one box. We have documentation that shows that the only parcel that Alan ******* returned weighed 12 LBS. The combined weight of both (TWO) packages that we shipped to Alan ******* was 38 POUNDS. Despite this discrepancy, Alan ******* lied to the credit card company that he had already returned all of the merchandise in one box and then initiated a credit card chargeback to retrieve ALL OF HIS MONEY BACK. It was only through UPS & FedEx documentation that WE WERE ABLE TO HAVE HIS CREDIT CARD COMPANY RULE IN OUR FAVOR CONCERNING THIS DISPUTE.
Our position throughout this dispute is that the Cardholder did not return most of the merchandise he received, and that the portion that he did return was not our product to warranty. We have proven that the Cardholder was not honest about the return of the merchandise. This premeditated action to cheat our company speaks to his character, integrity and unwillingness to deal in good faith. We are now even more confident that his intentions were to have us warranty another company's defective engine. His final words to us were that he would make internet postings that would ruin our reputation. The complaint you are reading here is not accurate and is an attempt to retaliate for our victory in the credit card dispute that he initiated. Any disgruntled customer can make a false accusation. You will never please everyone. But only fools make accusations in a public forum that they can't back up. It's a form of defamation called LIBLE. With that said, I will state that we have proof that Alan ******* is a liar and attempted to cheat our company.
Anyone that doubts anything that is claimed in our rebuttal, feel free to contact us. We will email you all the dated & detailed evidence. Sincerely, Frank of Five Flags Motorbikes