Throttle cable Issues


New Member
Hi everyone, I broke my throttle cable somehow. I was messing with the adjustments above the carburetor trying to get more power out of the bike (which did not work). And when I was through there was no cable coming out of the carburetor end. Now I have to buy a new cable. What I'm wondering is "what did I do"? I know just enough to be dangerous when it comes to working on these things. This is a new(ish) carburetor and the last one I had I tightened up the cable and made it go faster and not bog down on hills so much. This one just broke the cable. Does anyone know what I might have done? It's something I don't want to do again. I messed with the 3 things about the carb that you can turn. and that's all.

Any help will be appreciated. If you need more info please ask.
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Re: Broke my Throttle cable

If you pulled the end off the cable that goes into the carb you can repair it yourself. you will need to look at some of my carb posts I show how to solder on a new cable end. I make the little tubelear end by wrapping the cable with one strand of phone wire and then silver solder it. Which will take a propane torch to do. silver solder will not pull off and is easier to make a good strong connection.
tools needed propane torch
dremel with fiber cut off wheel or good strong wire cuting pliers
powered wire wheel to clean the soldered area or dremel wire wheel will work
siler solder and flux
copper phone wire
you can shorten the outter housing of the cable to suit youself if its too long the inner cable will need about 60 mm sitcking out of the outter jacket I wrap about 4 turns of the phone wire at around 45 mm from the outter cable housing end. do this with the throttle cable still attached to the twist grip at the other end or else the measurements will not work.
heat up the area to be soldered it will almost or will glow red to almost white hot apply the flux then the solder. let it cool and snip off the excess clean it up and lube it with some motor oil. your ready to put it back together
some thing to be careful about heat up only the area to be soldered I said to have 60mm of inner cable to be used the excess is so you can clamp this so your hands are free to solder. you don't have to have this much extra but it is nice if you can have a little extra to work with
pratice on an old wire first to get the hang of it
Re: Broke my Throttle cable

I don't know think I pulled the end off of the cable off, but there is no wire coming out the end (if that makes sense). The end of the cable is still there. It just seems like the cable is stuck up inside the rubber wire. It should come out but doesn't If this makes more sense to you maybe there's something else we can do. Otherwise we can keep on going in the direction of your previous post. Let me know what you think,

thanks for the help,
Re: Broke my Throttle cable

can you find the end that pulled off? it is small but can raise jell with the engine as it goes through it but it cometimes will go through with out harm so you might have got lucky.
I'll try to find the posts on the soldering of the cable.
Re: Broke my Throttle cable

can you find the end that pulled off? it is small but can raise jell with the engine as it goes through it but it cometimes will go through with out harm so you might have got lucky.
I'll try to find the posts on the soldering of the cable.

Thanks Norman I will go and look and see if I have the end that came off. Somehow I doubt if but I' will look anyway. Thanks a lot for your help. be back in a minute.

Re: Broke my Throttle cable

I just looked and I cannot find the end to the cable. Don't know where it is. I turned it upside down when I was taking the carburetor off so I might have lost it in the grass of the back yard. If that's the case I have NO idea where it is.
Re: Broke my Throttle cable

I just tried to solder the end of the cable that I got out of the plastic wire and there is not enough cable to work. So I am going to have to get another cable or do something else.
Re: Broke my Throttle cable

Well, last night I ordered a new throttle cable. Hopefully it will be here this week sometime. I'm really hating not being able to ride my bike. It's no fun. I will try making up for it when I get it fixed and do some long rides :).
The cable that connects to my throttle handle bar and the whatcha-ma-call-it is apparently broken? Where would I get another one? and how would I install the new cable? Thank you.
Re: Throttle Cable broke

Go get a replacement from
They are cheap, and install it like you did the first time.

I just got my 49cc bike together yesterday. With one exception. My throttle cable is not hooked to anything in the carb. I have the standard carb. How do I hook it up? Right now I just have the cable stuck down the screw cap, then put it through the spring and let it come in contact with the C washer? Does that sound right? Does it just sit down there not attached to anything? I can just pull it out right and it is not locked in place by anything? The directions that came with it do not say anything about hooking the throttle cable to the carb. That does not make sense. Also the throttle did not seem to affect the RPM of the bike. So to experament, I just took out the spring and the C washer. While it was running I pulled up the pin a little and it would idle slower, pull the pin up too much and it would stall. I thought by pulling up on the pin it would increase the fuel or something, guess I was wrong. So by putting the spring back in, it must really be pushing down hard. I don't see how that pin moves at all. I'm really missing something basic here. I'd be glad for some help.


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Re: Throttle hookup

I looked through the thread but it does not describe how the throttle is linked to the carb. You may have to explain it like I'm an idiot, but I'm willing to take the blow to my ego. :o
Re: Throttle hookup

If you take the cap (top) off of the carb, pull out the little cylinder. Look on the underside of it and there's a hole/slot. Hook the end of your cable in there. The spring should hold the assembly together while you insert it back into the carb. There is a pin on the inside of the carb that lines up with the slot in the cylinder. PM me with your number if you can't get it.
Re: Throttle hookup

I saw that slot. I tried to get the bulb through the slot from the top, and did not know I was supposed to take the sleeve out. I came across great step by step picture instructions at spooky tooth cycle. Which illustrated that you pull the sleeve out, and trap the bulb on the underside of the sleeve's plate. When you slide the sleeve back in, it is trapped underneath. Pulling the throttle lifts the sleeve against the spring. It must be the action of the sleeve that produces more intake and fuel to go to the cylinder. I'll find out when I get home. A benefit to this problem, it led me to seek out information and hence I found this forum. I am amazed at the enthusiasm here, as well as the ingenuity. I may get into this!


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Re: Throttle hookup

You will get into this! It's a great source of relaxation, frustration, joy and sorrow.
Re: Throttle hookup

Throttle has been working great now for about a week with one exception. After a decent ride, >5 minutes, after I pull in the clutch the bike revs up to full RPMs. I can feather the clutch with the break on and the RPMs come back down to normal, or I can back off the idle screw two turns and that seems to have a calming effect on it too. However, with the screw method I have to remember to turn it back in when the RPMs start coming down or it will idle too slow and stall. Any advice why the RPMs have a mind of their own? Thanks!