Throttle cable Issues

Re: Throttle useless

That sounds about right. A lot of these throttles, you have to do a little doctoring on fact the kits need a little help here and there...which is half the fun.

Also, look at the top of the carb, there is an adjuster there too. Screw it in or down for less tension on the cable.
Re: Throttle useless

I just put a RAW 49cc motor from zone8cycling on a Schwinn OCC. Starts up fine, but when I twist the throttle, it doesn't seem to change the speed, it's running me at about 15mph without doing anything to the throttle. If I engage the clutch, the motor takes off super fast. I even broke the plastic part that holds the end of the cable on two throttles now turning to too hard thinking it wasn't working. Any ideas?

Also, which way turning the carb adjustment screw will decrease the idle speed?

As BGJ says - probably something going on at the top of the carb where the cable enters. You want some little slack in the housing. The housing should be free to move.

Turning the screw in (right/clockwise) increases idle speed. So back her out...lefty, loosey, ccw....
Re: Throttle trouble.

My bike is now up and running, there are still a few bugs that need to be worked out but now that I know it works those are no big deal. Thanks for all the help with my first, build. there will be more bikes to come.
Re: Throttle trouble.

The bike? Schwinn jaguar. The problems? the chain tensioner won't stay put, i put a strip of metal next to the bar to make it stay on but that fell out and the chain tensioner fell in and broke one of the spokes, I did a quick fix(at my friends house) by wrapping the bar with gorilla tape and then putting it on. tomorrow I will set it in the right place with some epoxy putty stuff. also I guess i didn't put the rear wheel back on right because the rear brake isn't lined up right and is always in contact with the wheel. and still need to do some tweaking with the throttle. luckily I don't have school or work tomorrow so I'm going to try and tackle the problems.
Re: Throttle useless

I junked the twist throttle and attached a cheap brake lever. Worked like a charm. Cruising and loving it...
Re: Throttle useless

I have same problem, but i've checked throttle and it's working properly. I think maybe my carburator float is bad or something because my engine is always at near full throttle and it smokes a lot now.
Re: Throttle useless

Another vote for gripshift throttles, just pop the click mechanism out, then you can silver solder a small piece of brass tube (from the hobby shop) on the end of the cable.
Re: Throttle useless

I have same problem, but i've checked throttle and it's working properly. I think maybe my carburator float is bad or something because my engine is always at near full throttle and it smokes a lot now.

A float problem wouldn't do that.

I wouldn't ride it too long like that either or it will become garage decor.
Re: Throttle useless

Another vote for gripshift throttles, just pop the click mechanism out, then you can silver solder a small piece of brass tube (from the hobby shop) on the end of the cable.

If you keep the clicker in there, it'd be like cruise control with presets :)
Re: Throttle useless

I am really hesitant to ask this. When you put the cable in the carb slide did you line up the little bump on the carb wall? If not there is your prob. It's tiny on these little carbs.
The slot on the slide, fits the bump in the carb.
throttle cable snapped

I was riding tonite, stopped then let out the clutch, gave it gas and the throttle cable snapped right at the round piece that snaps into the twist throtte. I tried clamped a led fishing sinker on the cable but it slipped out of the sinker. Any ideas as to fixing this?
Re: throttle cable snapped

You might try a cable end clamp like the clutch cable end. Lowes has them.

No promises though.

Throttle cable can't be that expensive. Bell makes a 4 cable replacement set. The gear shift cables have a large barrel on one end small barrel or little keg on the other. Less than $10 ($5?) at Wally World.

Re: Throttle useless

Hmmm. I did not see a little bump, but I do know the slit in the carb slide is facing towards the air inlet.

Another interesting thing is when I took apart the carb for first time the throttle cable pulled out the carb slide so hard that it got jammed at inlet. I had to force it back down, but is it supposed to block off the inlet completely? Because mine only goes about 3/4 down at 0 throttle. I'm worried that maybe it is getting stuck at full throttle.
Re: Throttle useless

there is a angled notch on one side of the slide at the bottom. this notch needs to line up with the idle adjustment screw. If it's only 3/4 down, sounds like the bottom of the slide is hung up on the screw.
Re: throttle cable snapped

I got a piece of metal and soldered it at the end and that worked ok but now the throttle grip isn't workin right. I think it's catching on something inside -ill look at it tomorrow and see wat i can find. any ideas?
Re: Throttle useless

If you look down the hole of the carb, you'll see that's on the side where the fuel inlet is.

Once when I was cruising down the road, I gave it some gas and my throttle stuck. When I got it home, that slide wouldn't move period. When I did manage to get it out, no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to slide in the way it's supposed to. It was like the alluminum had shrunk or something. I had to put the slide to a grinding wheel to make it work again.

Hopefully this isn't the problem with yours.