Throttle cable Issues

Re: Throttle useless

what I did, Iam using a lever as my throttle. so instead of the (brake) lever going to brake it goes to my throttle!the spring type levers work best. to shorten the cable what I did is to snip off the end that goes into the round slide inside your carb. then I cut cable to length I wanted. then I used a small electrical connection ,cut the spade part off and just used the small round part of the connection. then soldered that to my cable. a little clean-up will be required after your done. use a file or dremmel or some rotary tool so then it will fit nicely into the round slide!

This is exactly what I did for Brett's custom chopper. He needed a longer throttle cable.

Re: Throttle useless

you want to custom make or modify the throttle cable or a cable end I cover this in the classic posts on how to make a cable end and for the throttle I even have pictures of how to do it.
It involves make the end that goes into the throttle slide out of phone wire and using silver solder to make it permanent all you need is a propane torch and silver solder/flux. Regular solder should not be used as it isn't strong enough.
I also have a way to make almost any end needed for cable ends and I can make them to lengths that you can't buy over the counter.
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For the life of me I cannot get the throttle cable adjusted properly. I adjusted it on the throttle and on the carb and it's still getting snagged. It's like the cable it self has stretched and is now to long. Do I need a new cable or is there a solution I'm not seeing ??

EDIT: When the throttle cable is out of the carb I can twist the throttle 100X no problems..The second I put into the carb and put the cap on that's when I get the problems.I think it's the spring maybe. Anytime I put any sort of pressure on the spring the throttle cable is getting stuck. If i put the cable with needle and that into the carb but not put the metal cap the cable sits in then it's fine as well. It's when I thread the cap onto the carb that's it's being a bugger and getting stuck the cable.
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I twist the throttle and the first turn it fine. I let go and twist half way and it will not twist anymore. If anything was sticking you would think it would stick when it was not in the carb.. I even tried stretching the spring and the same thing. When you take it out of the carb after the throttle is stuck the brass piece is a on a angle. Now that's it out of the carb and if you where to twist the throttle it will move freely.

I also found out that you have to have that metal cab the cable sits in on the carb or your giving the engine to much air and gas and she just want's to go full throttle!
When I twist the throttle and it locks it's partially due to the cable jumping out by the throttle. Also is a pic of what the brass piece looks like after it gets stuck.

UPDATE: I fixed the problem...It was a very simple and easy fix. The brass piece was not going into the carb correctly. The side with the cable in it was facing the idle screw. I switched it around and tightened the cap and took it the bike around the block and I was able to control my speed no problems..

So no hammer time this time guys..
yes just as some information there is a slot in the side of the slide it fits into a notch in the carb housing if it is not inserted correctly the unit will stick..

Glad to hear you got it fixed.
Throttle cable Issue

my kit just fits within the dimentions of my bike frame. The throttle line going into the carb is smooshed against the top part of the frame, Causing some peformance issues. Would it be ok to put the carb on a slight tilt to allow the throttle line to have enough room, or does it have to be dead straight?
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Re: carb and throttle

How much is, "A slight tilt" ? If you're only talking about a few degrees off center then you'll be okay but don't exceed about 10 degrees. Rotate the carb just enough to allow the cable to clear whatever obstruction you have. I slight tilt is tolerable; it has to be or you couldn't ride around curves without the engine being effected. Just keep in mind that there is a float inside the carb's bowl that needs to be somewhere in the ballpark of level to function correctly.
I apologize if this has been covered already, but I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my twist throttle handle. I don't know if I need to adjust something in the carb or what.

The engine does start up, but when I twist the throttle, it doesn't seem to engage properly.
I can hear an increase in the rpms, but the actual chain doesn't turn.

I took apart the device on the handle, and it seems to be installed properly there. When I twist the throttle handle, it seems to pull the throttle cable and it returns nicely.

I've ridden the bike for about 20 minutes total so far. I've got a 48cc HT kit on a Schwinn Point Beach.

EDIT: I figured out that I just needed to close the choke. Good thing to remember.
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Re: problem with throttle

yea i would think it is a clutch issue if the motor is revving but not turning.

an issue with the throttle would entail either no power or sloppy revs...or the worse getting stuck WO...haha