I can say with the help of my buddy Andrew from Kings Sales & Service, I finally hit the 50+ mph mark. My bike was hitting mid forties with a 47 tooth sprocket. Andrew was kind enough to sale me one of his clearance sprockets (Probably the nicest one I've bought so far) a 38 tooth hardened sprocket. It's pretty insane hitting those speeds and flying by cars on the expressway and the look of the peoples faces in the cars are priceless!
If you do hit these speeds...PLEASE Wear your Full Face Helmet!
For those who haven't seen my bike before, here's what I have:
5.8hp 50cc Morini 2 cycle motor, 6.4 hp ignition and flywheel. Pipelyne tuned pipe, carbon fiber reeds on an aftermarket reed cage and a 38 tooth King's sprocket on a GT LTS frame with the rear suspension locked out.