Dyno Thumper


Well-Known Member
Dyno Thumper

I have wanted to build a four stroke for some time. In my younger years I had the fastest 200x three wheeler at the track, so I know the potential of this motor. I located all kinds of aftermarket parts that will get this 6.5 to put out an easy 10 hp. First thing…is to get this motor in this frame and design the drive system. A CVT would be the prime choice but I am also looking at other options.

Now the party begins…..so they say…more to come…

Special thanks to Lurker with his inspirational build “Cobra Cycles Flat Track Racer”


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It looks as if that engine is not the overhead cam model. It's a little different then the Honda XR/ATC engine but still like you said, tons of potential...
Funny how those motors look so wimpy on a backwards slant, and so BADAZZ standing up!

This is gonna be awesome!
Yes indeed Hefe....that's gonna be badass mo-sheen!!! Looking killer so far, keep it comin'.

Affordable Go Karts - Home page - AGK - http://www.affordablegokarts.com is another place to get loads of High Po parts and mod instructions for these engines,

I built one of these 6.5 HP GX200 clones winter before last, installed custom billet Con Rod, flat top piston, 14cc combustion chamber GX160 Head, 1.2 Ratio Yahaha Rocker arms, Advanced the ignition timing 6 degrees and built a custom exhaust pipe for it, and of coarse had to rejet the stock carb.
I had it on a home built Go Kart and with a 15T noram racing clutch driving a 60T sprocket on 13.5" rear tires it would hit 50+MPH, I have since taken the engine and put it in the shop until I can get a billet flywheel on it and a custom intake with a tilitson carb.

These are very powerful engines but at high RPM's they vibrate real bad, personally if I could not get it balanced to be smooth at the higher RPM's I would not remove the govenor from these engines and just let them top out at around the 3600 - 4000 RPM mark, My engine in it's current state would trash a bike frame from the intense vibrations IMO, the custom Billet flywheel might be a cure but cant say for sure, also the torque these engines produce will likely be a destructive strain on a standard rear wheel axle, I could be wrong on this but these put out a lot of power when even slight mods are done to them and they're tuned right. build that frame up with some bracing in the key areas and be very careful with this engine on a bike, it could be a death trap or a super awesome ride, just depends on how it is all put together, dont build the engine for the bike on this one........build the bike for that engine......! Good luck!

Do it right and you'll have a heck of a ride, I have been thinking of doing this very same thing with a stock 6.5 Clone, I have a couple old Comet Torq-a Verter set ups and with this engine just stock, it would make one heck of a Motorized Bike IMO.

Just my $.02 nothing more, nothing less!

my bet is that motor tears your bike frame apart lol.

Your bet is good because that is my worry also; I have been studying this frame and setup and will need to add gussets in all the triangles. I have it setup in this frame jig now and figure why not just build a frame for this motor and a solid motor mount. I have sourced all the material to make this happen and will try to order this week.

I did find a frame at the swap meet but it is ideal for a board-tracker build, the little sweet china girl fits so nice. I will post pictures in the board-track section.

Mapbike...thanks for your input...and direction...we shall see what comes of this build or bust
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I agree, but it looks so good in that frame, the fit looks near perfect. That really is a lot of motor for that Dyno.....I'm sure whatever becomes of this build, it'll be the shiznit!!! That's a honkin' motor fer sure. :D

as cool as it would be to say that you rode a bike with that motor in it, it's no good if you don't live to tell the tale :p

maybe make a beefier frame with similar shapes?

whatever you come up with, looking forward to the end result (unless of course that is death or openin up a wormhole because bicycles were NEVER meant to move that fast)
Even if it can never be ridin it still looks badass! Just wait im gonna put a 1.6 Honda V-Tech on my bike!!!LOL. JUst joking, looking good.
as cool as it would be to say that you rode a bike with that motor in it, it's no good if you don't live to tell the tale :p

maybe make a beefier frame with similar shapes?

whatever you come up with, looking forward to the end result (unless of course that is death or openin up a wormhole because bicycles were NEVER meant to move that fast)

Matthurd, It realy bothers me the way you always mention "death" or something negative everytime someone comes up with an " Outside the box" idea.

Just like the post you made to me about my motorised unicycle .You mentioned death in that one.

We all know that our sport can be dangerous and we all give that great considerstion.

It also comes off as very condescending to the originator of the thread .

If you don't know the poster's background or experience, and you make generic comments like that, yer rubbin poeple the wrong way.

The originator of this thread, for instance, has a background in racing and building atV's.
If he has the ability to figure out what I've seen in his posts, I would never assume ha hasn't given great consideration to strength of all points of stress on this build.

Thinking and talking positive things tend to makes positive things happen.

Thinking and talking negitive things tend to make negitive things happen

How would you feel if someome said to you something like "yer gonna kill yourself on that thing".

I head that before about my Ultralight plane, and I'm usualy not too friendly with them after that.

No one wants to hear it and some even feel like they could be jinxed and may abandon their ideas. Some poeple are already apprensive and afraid to try new exciting things, or to even keep doing their current exciting things.

So, lay off the negative doomaday skyfalling stuff and stop saying things that could deflate someone's inspiration, and people will like and respect you more.

Wayne Z
Matthurd, It realy bothers me the way you always mention "death" or something negative everytime someone comes up with an " Outside the box" idea.

Just like the post you made to me about my motorised unicycle .You mentioned death in that one.

We all know that our sport can be dangerous and we all give that great considerstion.

It also comes off as very condescending to the originator of the thread .

If you don't know the poster's background or experience, and you make generic comments like that, yer rubbin poeple the wrong way.

The originator of this thread, for instance, has a background in racing and building atV's.
If he has the ability to figure out what I've seen in his posts, I would never assume ha hasn't given great consideration to strength of all points of stress on this build.

Thinking and talking positive things tend to makes positive things happen.

Thinking and talking negitive things tend to make negitive things happen

How would you feel if someome said to you something like "yer gonna kill yourself on that thing".

I head that before about my Ultralight plane, and I'm usualy not too friendly with them after that.

No one wants to hear it and some even feel like they could be jinxed and may abandon their ideas. Some poeple are already apprensive and afraid to try new exciting things, or to even keep doing their current exciting things.

So, lay off the negative doomaday skyfalling stuff and stop saying things that could deflate someone's inspiration, and people will like and respect you more.

Wayne Z

do you think it's going to open up a wormhole instead then?

How would you feel if someome said to you something like "yer gonna kill yourself on that thing".

my response to that would be at least i'll have fun doing it.

saying don't kill yourself is my way of saying i care about others safety and hope things turn out well for them, i make light of it because in the end, we're all going to die. i expect that i have longer then many on this forum since i'm guessing i'm a younger person then most others here, but i know even i will eventually die.

i don't want or expect anyone to actually die from these things(because i do indeed suspect that many of us think of safety with what we're building), just like i don't expect anyone to open a wormhole with a super fantastic bicycle, i will still remind them though that wormholes are bad and thus should be avoided :)
Hey MT, sorry about the rant. I actualy tried to cancel it before it loaded but it got away from me. I know you're only implying caution and safety in those messages.

Hey MT, sorry about the rant. I actualy tried to cancel it before it loaded but it got away from me. I know you're only implying caution and safety in those messages.


np, glad we're on the same page, sorry if it came across as condescending though, like i said i'm just teasing people when i say something like that. if i actually fear someones making a bad choice with what they're doing i end up making a detailed explanation of what can go wrong and an alternative solution if i have one.

with culver i just said maybe something beefier with a similar shape because he already said he had things lined up to make a frame and the motor did look like a really nice fit for that frame.