Bike Shops that welcome motorized bicycles Map


Active Member
So we all know some bike shops refuse to deal with Motor Assisted Bicycles. This can become a problem when trying to purchase parts for your bike.

I never tell anyone that its for a motor assisted bicycles except for JJ Bicycles in Tucson. So here is a map to give props to the shops that are willing to deal with us and help us keep our bikes on the road.

If you know of a bikes shop that welcomes MB's please post it in the map so others in your area know where to go for good service.

Bicycle Shops That Welcome Motor Assisted Bicycles
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Just added one as well, my local guy think I'm a little crazzy to be riding the thing at 30+ mph but he really liked it and even showed it off to some of his other customers and ask me to tell them about it.
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Heard a few times of bicycle shops saying they cannot sale bicycles parts to motor assisted bicycles because of insurance reasons.

Not sure if that's them being polite in saying no, or if that is the truth? I don't take my MAB to a bicycle shop to be worked on, I only go to buy bicycle parts for my bicycle.
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

i'll be adding paramount cycles to the list i think. my friend tyler runs the place, real cool guy running a tiny little shop, he can't deal with gas since it makes him nauseas, but iv'e brought my wheel with the sprocket to his shop and he didnt mind helping me, as well as showed him my bike a few times.

he wont work on em due to liability+ the gasoline nauseas thing, but buying parts through him i don't think he'd give you a hassle.
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Cool idea...the Map. Myself I dont use a bike shop, I mean I have gone to one before and had a super crappy experience. I got the eye-roll "oh one of those bikes" and demeaning stares by mid-lifers pricing the latest fashion in wedgie machines. All this Im glad for because I have learned to do the things they overcharge for due to the secret knowledge they hold. Ive found that I can figure most of the stuff out, buy the same parts they buy at a better price, or get help online for just about everything.

Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Added my local shop , the owner don explained that it depends with whom the shop has there ins. He is a sole prop. So he has first rate liability ins. If a shop has a corp. Connection or outside investors that changes things . Most i've talked to around here (we have dozens of shops around chicago) just plain don't want an mb in front of there store or our biz??? Thankfully there are exceptions .
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Very cool Dave. I added a couple. Both shops have been great to me. Kinda cool to help their biz and post for other MBers to find. Should put in black balloons for places to avoid. (wut? I hate em)

Sincerely, Evil Dan
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

"EVIL DAN" lol. .xx.

My LBS is called "Build a Bike" and carries mostly cruisers and some bmx. They have some really cool custom stuff there. Randy, the manager will help you out with your bike but he wont work on anything to do with the engine.

That wasn't really a problem for me as I only needed some minor assistance, but the whole time he was saying things like, "I hear a lotta bad things about these" and "Why would you want to put an engine on a bicycle?"

My question is, "Why wouldn't you want to put an engine on a bicycle?"
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Have had that same conversation Smoothe. "Your defeating the purpose" I reply asking what that is. Usual responses are "fresh air, exercise" etc. To which I say I have bicycles for that. This is some thing different. Never appeases em, but usually gets me out of the endless loop of conversation. Kinda annoys me that some one is attempting to explain to me, my want's and purpose. I pay a perfectly good Dutch woman for that.

Was thinking about the black balloon thing at work today. Was driving past a bike shop that will not talk to me when I walk in the door and really want to "black balloon" em. rat bat-turds (sort of our version of "black balling")

Can I do it Dave? huh, huh? LOL

Side good thing about doing a bad thing. Would help good and MB friendly LBS's
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Cycle Alaska in Juneau, Ak. Look for Vicki. Their primary business is selling guided bicycle tours, but Vicki gets a kick out of an olefart riding around on a weedeater with wheels. Don't do engine work, but bicycle stuff is fine. Also have or will get bike parts. Cool little place.

If you're ever visiting Juneau, stop in for a tour, or to buy some bear or moose repellent.
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

LOL @ "moose repellent" Just struck me as funny WD.

"*swat" Dang moose are really bitting tonight"

Don't let water pool in the yard. Thats where moose lay their eggs....
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Moose repellent is no joke. Not when you're on your bike chased by a moose or treed by one on your property. Man I miss Alaska...but not the mosquitoes!
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Moose repellent is no joke. Not when you're on your bike chased by a moose or treed by one on your property. Man I miss Alaska...but not the mosquitoes!

Yep, skeeters are the reason we all carry 44 magnums here. Meeses ya need a license to kill. laff
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Remember the first Batman movie with Adam west? Batman was hanging from a rope ladder while Robin was flying the Batcoppter. (musta had his learning permit) Batman was attacked by a shark. But it was OK as robin had shark repellent in the glove compartment.

Har! lol, vid is on youtube! YouTube - 1960s Batman - The Shark

I really gotta do a Batman MB. Coolest Super Hero ever.

Send it to Adam West and on the map, use a bat instead of a ballon
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

LOL @ "moose repellent" Just struck me as funny WD.

In the interest of ..........whatever, I'm thinking I should help decipher my username. I was a contractor for............too long when I signed up to this forum. The day I signed up, I was feeling kind, as contractors do sometimes, so I decided, hey, what the heck, let THEM buy a vowel. So wood butcher <the Alaskan term for a carpenter or builder) became wdbtchr. Easier to type too after a long hard day of.....hmm, guess I don;t do much.

Also, Adam West was here for some grand opening several years uniform. The years have not been kind to him. He didn't even ride his batcycle!!! How cool was that, the way I brought the topic back. :>)
Re: Bike Shops that welcome MB's Map

Dave : guess i didn't consider the Black balloon phenom ? But i gota say they may have a point . Just leave out any coments?
Dan : a guy in club curently building "batbike" ,total batfreak ,i refuse to wear robin costume when we ride together, well maybe Nightwing (better color tights)