Gosh well shoot somebody has to see what the limits are?
Whats been your max RPM at sea level? The most I ever got was about 12,000 here at my altitude. I run at about 11.000 RPM's quite a bit and is usually about all it will do..21mm carb.. It may very well finally give one day. Don't wanna think about that? Been gonna put a fresh piston bearing in the BoXer motor sitting at about 9,000 miles now. I do wounder about that bearing sometimes? Shoot I thought about this motor in general a lot lol since day one. It is still ticking. I beet the crap out of my motors.
You have blown these motors up aye?
I did have one motor get garbage at the jug cylinder. Tore the whole motor down and found nothing wrong with it. Suspect sabotage? I know.. hate to even say that as I've very good friend's here where I live so I never did bother anyone. . Could have been a piece of slag in the exhaust but I've ruled that out as it would just not be at all possible. It is just about darn time for a big bore kit as the motor looks cherry for the task.
Or it can simply serve as a spare parts ditty for the air cooled and the two liquid's in the long haul.
My currant silencer carb cover serves a duel purpose. As a anti tamper device too. It is a pain in the butt to take on and off but stays in place very well without any trouble of up keep just hangs out peacefully with me.. I mean one never knows in this world? Lock the bike up outside for a few and somebody could throw something in the carb and slap the filter back on?