Goats Head


New Member
Im writing this because our bikes moving faster these days and would like to see what others are doing to combat a bicycles worst enemy, the Goats Head plant (Thorns).

Sometimes even the best of the thorn proof tires fall victom to this little plant. any opinions about radial bicycle tires or maybe the best thorn proof tire...


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I have tube liners in one bike but not the others. I've been lucky this year and haven't fallen victim to the thorn problem so I can't say how good the liners work. My guess is as long as the puncture is on the tread as opposed to the sidewall the liners should help but it only protects that narrow area. 'Slime' is another alternative but messy and can ruin a good pressure gauge.
big thanks for the link. we here in oklahoma seemed to be hit hard this year - im running the Kenda Flame tires 2.25 with the bell puncture proof tubes, yeah right and a little mix of slime, very messy and with all that a single thorn got me.

when i look at my car tires which seem to care less about the thorns, it makes me wonder why oh why there is no thick rubber bicycle tire that can handle it - although the kenda tire is of excellent quality it didnt help.

i havent tried the liners yet, so maybe that will fix the little goat head problem. Thank You fellows...
Always wondered why anyone would need "thorn proof" tires 'cause around here you'd have to ride through a rosebush or up a Hemlock tree to get a thorn in a tire. Never knew there were nasty little buggers like that.
Got those out West as well. The only thing worse then getting a flat tire, is stepping on one bare-footed.....those little suckers hurt!
Well, I could swear I've posted this before but here again is my solution.
Swimming pool drain/backwash hose as a tire liner. Plus a 'thorn proof' tube (belt AND suspenders). I've been using it for over a year and ZERO FLATS!
I tested it trying to poke a phillips screw driver through it and all it did was stretch. It is PVC and I use it just the way it comes off the roll, which is flat--double thickness. I paint the inside of the tire with contact cement and also the length of hose. Let dry to a tack and install in the tire. All the contact cement does is hold it in place 'till you can get the tire mounted. Don't overlap the liner or you may feel a bump in your wheel as it rolls. Just use a knife to cut butt ends. Hose comes in 1.5" or 2" wide and will fit most any tire. I've got them on all my bikes; pedal and motor and haven't had flats anymore! Used to get them regularly--too d a m n e d regularly.

I don't know just how bad those thorns are by you but this solution sure doesn't hurt anything.
If they don't stand up to thornzilla, you could also try the tire-in-a-tire method. Similar to above but uses another tire inside the outer one. Sometimes you have to cut the bead off so watch out for the wire if your tire is of that type. If it's got the Kevlar bead then no problem. I've done this on one of my pedal bikes with great success.

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'Slime' is another alternative but messy and can ruin a good pressure gauge.

No it will ever mess up a tire gauge.:-{ Put the valve stem at 10 O clock or higher. It is designed to stop up holes. If ya play with the valve stem lower the stuff inters the valve core. It was meant to plug holes.The directions on this stuff mentions this.

I have never had these problem's. :-{

If some one is fool enough to get this in there valve core it can be cleaned up. Use a core removing tool clean it up and put it back in. That simple...

Now some one is gonna say they bought some preslimed tubes. This is funny and both sad. Why? Come on slime or no slime its a wussy tube [paper thin]. I have no use for them to me there a great way and perfect approach to a flat tire or even a high speed blow out. Even snake bite is avoided with a leather cow hide thick heavy duty tube.

A paper thin tube with slime is a joke:-{ They put minuscule amounts of slime in those preslimed jobbers. I use a lot more. I try to shoot for some side wall protection.

There are folks that live in parts of the country that don't know what a road hazzered is. They are prolly running around on paper thin tubes as well. That would be a testament to their not having any road hazzerds . I can tell you that set up truly won't last 10 minutes in the Goat Heads here.

I don't use tire liners ether.
I can read instructions, Goat, nevertheless I have two tire pressuer gauges that don't work anymore because they are plugged up with dried 'Slime' I've tried to clean them but the stuff has hardened in the Borden tube and small air passages inside the gauge.
It doesn't make any difference where the valve stem is indexed on the rim when you check pressure there is still a small amount of the product, 'Slime', that will be in the valve stem and can get into the gauge eventually.
Okay, yes...if you depress the valve stem for a moment it will clear the stem and lessen the chance of clogging a gauge but I'm an old guy and sometimes I forget :)
Thank You again, and im sorry, but i didnt see the thread on thorn proofing a tire.

Wayne i really like the ideal of using a swimming pool back flush hose - it looks light weight and clean. im not sure how much a hose like that would cost but it would definitley be worth it. Thank You Wayne...

2Dor - dont feel too bad, im a 54 year old rider myself...
not to get off the subject but, i ordered the sturmey archer 90mm front drum brake hub from firebelly. it should be in today. has anyone got one of these on their bike.

ive been lacking in the braking department - my bike has no rear brakes, because of the chains and gears eating up the spare room - i do have disc brakes on the front which doesnt give the stopping power i need, it only slows it down to a stop.

also they have a rear brake drum hub, and i was wondering if the motored gear can be used with it...

Firebelly Cycles


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Don't know anything about the drum brakes. Sorry there. That's a nice clean looking ride ya got there. Like the seat. Where did you find that at?

Sorry guy's if I sound winded about the slime I have had nothing but good luck with it. I just hate all the confusion.
Not bike related but I put slime in the tires on our Gator at work because we were always getting flats from running over nails, etc. Worked great, wore the tires out without another flat but that's when the trouble came. Ever try to change 22x10 tires on a HF manual tire changer when about a half gallon of slime is all over the floor, the stand and the bead bar? laff