'Slime' is another alternative but messy and can ruin a good pressure gauge.
No it will ever mess up a tire gauge.

Put the valve stem at 10 O clock or higher. It is designed to stop up holes. If ya play with the valve stem lower the stuff inters the valve core. It was meant to plug holes.The directions on this stuff mentions this.
I have never had these problem's.
If some one is fool enough to get this in there valve core it can be cleaned up. Use a core removing tool clean it up and put it back in. That simple...
Now some one is gonna say they bought some preslimed tubes. This is funny and both sad. Why? Come on slime or no slime its a wussy tube [paper thin]. I have no use for them to me there a great way and perfect approach to a flat tire or even a high speed blow out. Even snake bite is avoided with a leather cow hide thick heavy duty tube.
A paper thin tube with slime is a joke

They put minuscule amounts of slime in those preslimed jobbers. I use a lot more. I try to shoot for some side wall protection.
There are folks that live in parts of the country that don't know what a road hazzered is. They are prolly running around on paper thin tubes as well. That would be a testament to their not having any road hazzerds . I can tell you that set up truly won't last 10 minutes in the Goat Heads here.
I don't use tire liners ether.