WTB: Schwinn Panther frame

Still searching for a straight bar Schwinn Panther frame for my Whizzer engine project. If you've got one or know someone that does...please let me know!

Maybe it's time to start taking the more common cantilever frame and give it a straightbar conversion. I actually found three Panther frames awhile back in a very short period of time, now nothing. Yep, I think Norm cornered the market. Seems like he's the only guy that has any.
I have a 1950's Panther frame with a brand new gloss black powder coat that I'll sell for $180.

PM me if you're interested.
ZOINKS!!!!! I know they are out there, like everyone else looking for a good buy. The Worksman option is seeming more practical.
The nice thing about the Worksman is I don't lose any sleep taking a grinder or cutoff wheel to it!
If I had 200 to spend on a frame, I would definitly snatch it up.. Right now unfortunatly I dont. ( by the way whats the drop-out spacing on that frame? ) Im sure someone will give her a good home. Just not Me right now anyways.