Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

I'm signed up on the Worksman site. I will prepay for a loop frame bike now if they want me too. I would also pay top dollar for a quality tank.

Thanks for your efforts CH!

PS. I'm planning to probably use a 4 stroke engine.

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re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Crazy Horse,will a EZMOTORBIKE kit fit Workmans current frames? Have you or anyone else heard if the new Monark springer is up to being on a motorized bike?

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Hi Steve I will answer this for Crazy Horse, as I have enuf info to give you. Stock 2-bar Worksman BARELY fits the 2-stroke, and is not close to fitting either EZM or the others. The little 4-strokes need about 11.5 inches of headroom to fit in a frame, this is ABOVE what-ever chain ring you choose to use. Many times we down-size the chain ring to gain Overhead.

Monark Springer (repop), is generally considered, even by its maker, to be too light in construction to be used as sold in motorized bicycle. The Monark also has the deficiency of no front brake provisions. This can be overcome by drum brake with floating point for the "Porkchop" so that the brake is not automatically applied. Rim edge brakes do not work well here, because the wheel moves up and down independantly of the stationary fork leg.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Broadcasting.......

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Thanks Mike. That is save #2 in as many weeks. PM you after the last one but didn't hear back.
Was on the verge of ordering both but have learned if your not sure don't shoot.

Will PM you this afternoon. I may have wound up in the junk mail.
Thanks again.

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Crazy Horse,thank you also. I only want to build one and for once I don;t want any parts left over.

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Crazy Horse,
Does anyone else sell a similar frame like this today?

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Deck, have you seen my bikes? I do sell real purpose-built drop-loop frames.

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

!HOW! Those of you who are planning to use a 4-stroke we have included in the design enough room which will allow even an EZMOTORBIKE Kit to fit these new frames let alone the tiny 2-Stroke China-Gurl as EPA might eventually ban them, then there will be no choice but to go with the 4-Stroke Engine-Kits!

Peace Crazy Horse.

You rock CH! ty (now what about cup holders? snork)
re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

anii bozhoo there fellow nish crazy horse.just signed up on the board track worksman build just today hopefully i can gleen as much info as possible in order to get me one of those old iron horses and maybe motorize it down the road.Right now i'm investigating the acme v-twin motor and waiting to hear more on that subject as well as get more info upon looking into either building a keystone frame style board tracker or just finding out where to purchase one on line. By the way that style of frame that the real btr's had was called a keystone style frame. brnot xct2
re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Hey Crazy Horse, just signed up on the Workman discussion board. I may never buy a wWorkman frame but I sure as **** support this effert. Best wishs M8. I know that Steve is getting somewhat frustrated in his efferts to find a good frame,

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

I have just registered both here and on the Worksman site requesting the frame be built.

I am super exited to see this happen!

Hopefully another piece of the puzzle will come together.
Joe, thank you. It had been asked over and over where you could buy a cool frame with motorizing in mind. You put it together and are doing a great thing for the community. There is great power in numbers of consumers. Takes a lot of effort and some one like you to focus that power for our communal good.

Got me thinking. We really are not pioneers of motorized bicycle riding, but with the advent of internet and the amazing things being done, it is being chronicled. for better or worse, we need to do well. You have Joe.


Next we need a really, really cool cruiser frame! Stretch with a mounting plate for 4 smokers. I am saving for a welder and pipe bender
re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

I like the way the head-tube is gusseted :)
looks pretty stout
what are the 3 mounting tabs used for ???
re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

when's it due?


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re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

Bairdco, you can't start them too young!

re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

that china doll fits in there perfect...

sorry, i've been drinking all day.

i think this is a good project, overall. i just couldn't help myself.
re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

I was just looking at the Worksman site....noticed that their complete "Newsboy" industrial bike, with seat, handlebars, wheels with 12 gauge spokes, tires, fenders and chainguard.........painted and ready to go,....sells for $329.

1)-Any idea what the target price might be on the frame only in primer??

2)-Any chance it might be offered assembled/painted with:

a)-matching painted wheels?
b)-front drum brake?.....
c)-Matching painted springer front end would be a nice addition

Then,....if we could get one of the earlier posting fabricators to supply Worksman fuel tanks....they could be painted/powder coated at the same time...........and.............walla.........we have a solid, well built, reasonably priced board track bike,...ready for power train of choice..........and probably very reasonably priced.

Brian in Austin
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re: Worksman Board Track Racer Tribute Drop Loop Frames Wanted

These are great looking frames...........but,...I'm a little concerned that the chinese 2 stroke and Huasheng 4 strokes (my preference) will look out of scale in the drop loop frames.....

Im thinking that the engine will by necesity need to be nestled down in the drop loop area leaving a lot of open space above the engine.............

Anyone have any thoughts/experience on this?

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