Re: "Winter MBing, tips and tricks"
Cool Hali, I've only been out on the River's once, I didn't push it through corners though... too paranoid, but they handled better than without, like when I wiped out and messed up my left wrist, I was going way faster on the river ice and didn't wipe. It did stop on a dime though.
Like I said, those screws are too long, I think 1/2" would be better, but I had 100 of them around... Plus if you have normal forks the screws will cut through them
Here's me in my Day gear, Balaclava/neck wrap thing/ +Oakleys to keep my eyeballs from freezing:
Night gear, same except for Safety Goggles:
I think I froze my camera, that's why I'm getting lines
To combat fogging, I just bring the goggles down so I can just see over them(instead of spitting in them) until they get cold enough to slide them back up. Usually only takes 2-5min when really cold.
If you have cheap glasses, leave them outside when you go in for beer, or whatever. Cold Goggles won't fog up on you as bad as warm goggles. -I guess that's my real tip here, heh heh.
Question- My feet always freeze on me, anyone have any tips on that? I've tried cotton/wooly, poly/wooly, cotton/poly/wooly, toes alway's freeze. Should I build some mini fairings for my boot tips?