windows 10

I had a thought about the 'privacy' issue. It reminds me of the old stories about American Indians back in the 18 hundreds who shied away from having their photos taken. They believed that the photos would leach away some of their humanity.

Is that too different from the fears I read today about the Internet, Microsoft, the government, or whoever, listening in on your private life? Not much, me thinks. :)


EDIT: I've discovered that "Spell Check" works without downloading it from a separate website on my new computer running Windows 10. Previously I had to go install it separately. Cool!
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I have been using Windows my whole life, I look out of them every day all around my house!
I close the curtains when I don't want anyone looking back in.

Or is this about about something better than Microsoft Disc Operating System 3.1?
I know MS Millennium was an absurd attempt to improve the original Windows, I helped beta tested that for MS and though me and others pointed out major flaws they released it anyway.
Wow, talk about a blast from the past even remembering that hehehe ;-}

I have been on the Win10 free upgrade on a new Asus desktop I bought from my local Fry's on sale for like $300 not counting the 2 new monitors and it seems to be running great and fast.

As for privacy I see 'smart phones' to be the main thing these days, especially with new apps and ATM's that allow access to your money in cash from a box from your cell phones.


I have a 'stupid' flip phone I can put minutes on if need a phone when I travel alone but that's it.

As for my PC, well, I keep it pretty bullet proof and no finical info on it but things like bank emails. What I do get is countless attempts to trick me into clicking an e-mail link to god knows what that wants in.

As for MS, I won't even use Bing for a search and only use IE for streaming music, then I use firefox for browsing and though I seldom use it, it has a stealth browsing mode.

I like web sites knowing who I am when I visit via cookies, it makes login easier and other than login info and last date there that is all they cookie has, it's the web site that goes on to collect more.

Speaking of e-mail scams relating to MB's I got this yesterday.

hi Kc


I sure didn't click it but I did reply to the e-mail asking what it was about and that e-mail bounced back as a fake e-mail address so consider yourselves warned.
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Do you think it wise to post to a questionable link? If you're serious about it being potentially harmful I suggest you edit your post and remove the link. Or we can do it.
I did not try to open it so if it is just a joke, no problem.

I just made the link non-clickable as I sure wouldn't trust it, I just copy/pasted the the whole e-mail in my post for what to look out for.

Is there really anything called MGM Motorized Bicycles?
If there had been more text as to what it to I may have just blindly clicked as being MB related so that gave me pause.

That domain was created last October and based in Viet Nam.
That should be warning enough to not trust it.
If it even saves just one MBer it was worth it as I was certainly targeted but maybe not be the only one.
I sometimes see email that looks suspicious and then use print preview, which then I can see info within it and not chance opening it as clicking on it and also maybe also clicking on links with in the email which definitely would be wrong not knowing where it is going.

More recently I have my cell phone thought I had a virus, but only was a setting for some app by the carrier that will come up showing news, sports, weather etc anytime the screen cycles from off to on. If you then hit the back button you close that app and are back where you were last. Annoying to take a picture and then screen times out, which is OK, saves battery, but then you wake screen up and some news, and on the side ads showing *&#, I don't need that. Even though I found the setting toggle to off, I also deactivated the app. Although it is still installed, I have it off totally. If I remove it as I thought I would do, some times that is the wrong thing to do and it messes up the phone, so deactivate is all that is necessary.

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I sometimes see email that looks suspicious and then use print preview, which then I can see info within it and not chance opening it as clicking on it and also maybe also clicking on links with in the email which definitely would be wrong not knowing where it is going.
None of the following applies to web mail I don't think, I just don't know as I don't use it as I don't want some 3rd party involved in my e-mail coming and going, it's between me and the e-mail sever only, and I have the e-mail sever set to delete every e-mail when I delete it here or 4 days, whichever comes first.

I use Outlook on my PC for e-mail, it has 3 screens, the left is for accounts, upper right the e-mails in the box to select from, lower right is the e-mail itself.


Double clicking the upper right individual e-mail 'Opens' it in a new window but makes you click again to 'display included content' like embedded pics.
None of that can hurt you.

It is attachments and links in the body that can let stuff in, those are what you don't want to click if unsure.

What I find most useful is the 'Options/View Header' feature.
It has the whole IP path from where it started to my mailbox.

With the originating IP address I can use and find out where it was send from.
That is exactly how I knew that BS e-mail was sent from Viet Nam.

Anyway I hope that was useful info.
Not that this is Win10 info, but I tried a 1/2 Tera byte Drive in place of the HDD. Solid state is coming down in price on the drives. I'm astounded with 10 times the speed of boot up and a lot of thing on web pages etc go so much faster. When I evenutally have two of these Solid State Drive and clone one to another, that will be nice to see how copying a whole drive half to fully written to will go. Right now only 200MB on the 480MB beast!
Ya, SSD's are cool.
I don't have one in this machine though but I'd sure like one.
Just sorting my 3500+ pics folder would make it worth it.
For some reason tonight, without my bidding, Windows 10 started downloading on to my laptop. After it completed, I no longer had access to my emails or farcebook, and since I don't walk around muttering passwords to myself or writing them down on pieces of paper so they can be lost, I was sincerely unamused. Unamused, gentlemen, to the point of using short words. Some of them were very short.

Fortunately there is a reverse pedal in the laptop and I am back in the arms of 8.1.

I do hold now that the staff of Mockerysoft are of low intellect, lacking married parents, and given to insanitary personal habits.
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I'm keeping a few drives that I backup (Clone) rather than image, for in cases like these. The Restore Point thing of windows I never quite yet understood how to use it and have not yet but will see. A cloned drive you don't have to wait for it to expand as it installs like an image.

For the unintended Win 10 install:
It seems Win 10 had possibly installed since either maybe you got updates for migrating to Win 10 and or had reserved for a certain date the free upgrade. Still it should prompt you I would figure, but that's why extra drives I have for instances like these.

I will want to have Win 10 install and try on one of the few drives I have Win 7 on, by doing the free upgrade soon before they say no longer free. This knowing I have 2 or more backups on drives that a just swap in place an my PC is back with 7 should I not want to keep on with 10 or something worse.

I have Echo 3 by NTI utility software to make clones of my drives. The software is a couple years old. It does have dynamic sizing when copying. Some other utilities will not allow copying from a larger drive to a smaller drive, even if the larger drive is not fully used and the information written is small enough to fit on the smaller drive.
It has been a little quirky using it though. Something about preventing not allowed multiple systems usage.
I had a few times called up the company to have then get me it working. But they said I could not get another license, they did activate for reinstall again.
I only use one PC, but the HHD does not let you use the software as it gets the App itself cloned from one drive to another.

What I mean is I used the CD to load the app onto a HDD. Then I cloned that drive to another drive. Once completed cloning, the app also was clone as a result. That would seem convenient since I would use it in the future to clone it back and write over the drive it was originally copied from to back up. So maybe a month or so passes and I want to copy the drive now after additional information is on it. It says incorrectly installed. I found using Win add/remove programs to fully uninstalled helped. Note there is a window that comes up and asks if you want to leave or remove some information even though you were uninstalling. I answer remove all traces. After reinstalling the app from the CD and it hopefully is that is all that is necessary. It worked the last time. I think I should see if I can in anyway make a backup of the CD if it is legal. I mean I am using it on one PC, but what happens if the CD goes bad. I would guess they say you buy another copy.
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There's a phrase which may be from an English or an American author, I cannot remember which. He was sent a book by a neophyte writer, and to avoid reading or offending, wrote back, "I received your book today. Rest assured, I shall waste no time in reading it."

That's a nice, double edged phrase.
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I was sincerely unamused.
Unamused, gentlemen, to the point of using short words.
Some of them were very short.
Hehehe, Nicely put Luswig, the kind of line that makes everyone smile at a bad situation, I'm still smiling hehe ;-}
Do we have any members who run Microsoft Flight Simulator? In particular, FSX and Windows 10?

New computer with monster graphics capabilities and lots of bells and whistles. I've tried to install Flight Sim twice and it doesn't work. It works but has crashed the computer and many functions either don't work or work incorrectly. Jittery graphics and screen goes black and various other issues.

Microsoft says it's Dell's problem. Dell blames it on Gate's boys. Best Buy, where I bought the computer say's they'll replace the computer but I don't think the machine is the problem. Maybe that's my next step but I'm not optimistic it will help.


I have a Dell Laptop that I upgraded from Win 7 to 10 and so far it is faster now. I have a Flight Simulator I used to run on DOS, so I don't see it being used anywhere now really. But as 1 problem with Win 10 was this:

Yesterday I was thinking I was going to hack with wire cutter or an Exacto knife the wires or traces to the Touch Pad on my laptop. A day later, some how all by itself there shows up in what is I guess the system tray for in Win 10 for the Dell Touch Pad settings. I shut off the Touch Pad as I rather use a Track Ball because the pad causes errors when hitting it by accident. The other area I went to view in settings for touch pad it started and then closed each time and said mouse properties was stopped. Something about a DLL and greyed out the controls. The view of the same settings for the Dell Touch Pad in the system tray looks slightly different but has all the same controls and works. I've seen both these in Win 7, but access to them was different, and of course they both worked on Win 7. So I know some quirks with the Dell Laptop upgrade from Win 7 to Win 10 now!

PS I found out about Macrium Reflect. I found using the free version to clone drives and worked perfectly recently so now backing up is not a problem.
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I figure let them spy all they want, they will say wow it is an old man that loves toys lol

During the upgrade install for Win 10 where it say "Get going fast" at the top of the page, I saw way down at the bottom "custom install". I clicked on that and went through about 3 pages of deselecting defaults that were the things that do the gathering of information you have a the opportunity to say no to.

The Windows Update I also made sure it is between them to me only. I don't care to be part of some mesh network of other computers transferring there updates around. The idea that you might want to have in your own network, if you have one, allow one pc update another is interesting, but my only other PC's are no longer supported. XP and lower is not good for internet.
During the upgrade install for Win 10 where it say "Get going fast" at the top of the page, I saw way down at the bottom "custom install".

The idea that you might want to have in your own network, if you have one, allow one pc update another is interesting, but my only other PC's are no longer supported. XP and lower is not good for internet.
Heck, I always run the custom install to keep the crap out but some gets through regardless.

This kind of thing is always a battle, 'Give me freedom, or give me death', but the death part should be scammer, spammer, hacker people, not us regular internet users.
I ran a program called wire-shark through a separate router to see it through. Looked about the same ports were running to me? Reinstalled custom as per the auto install. Has anybody else looked at this? Gotta find ports and turn them off then construct fire wall rules etc Lotta work me thinks lol. Have not made time for it.

Still a Linux Mint fan but then a slapped a few sweet computers together over the last 16 years or so. Then of course got to go a ways in Linux since 07 now I think?

Glad I don't have to learn a lot this crap all over again. Wow comps take up too much of one's time. Sitting on Win 10 ATM. Runs flawless really. Not a bad OS. Gonna do a fresh Mint install on this tripled boot comp and go back to Linux prolly..

Good and nice to have this Win 10. As it's run good on everything I threw it at.
You guys don't need to worry about all the spying. Although a lot of information is being collected and there are already miles of computers storing it, the technologies for processing this data aren't yet up to the task. Also any encrypted data you send over the Internet is near impossible to crack... I.e. Php key is 1024 bits long. 2^1024 is a big number!