winding a coil with new wire

I went through some of my posts and removed them I just tried a coil that for now is working better than any of the ones I done before. So they got the boot.
Tried a little different amount of wire for winding the coil.
47' 0f 26 gauge
3100 turns of 36 gauge
I figured this ain't going to work worth a darn,I got surprised!
Good bright lights above idle, it idles good once warned up still has to be adjusted a little faster to idle but I'm using the weakest magneto rotor on this coil.
I'll now try to repeat it on a different coil.
I kept trying 52' on the 26 gauge wire and this time I found less is better. Same for the 36 gauge wire I stopped way short of 3600 turns like I had been doing.
I read the ohm readings after riding it tonight they are higher when the engines been ran for a while.
white wire hot 2.5 ohms cold was 2.07 ohm
blue wire hot 320 ohms. cold was 300 ohms.
I decided to try less wire as more wire wasn't working I guess I got lucky.
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ya that is cool i burnt up 2 of the magnetos in my bikes and i will have to try to wind one of them up sounds good after u have done all the hard work
You might check the fine wire attached to the blue wire lug it will break off if it is you might be able to solder it back on.
Good luck on trying the rewinding.
The last coil that I rewound is working very well lights up my light good just off of idle they still
are fairly bright at idle but very bright above idle. Engine runs fine through all rpms.
I still have not wound up anther one. So I guess I'll have to do another one.
Took a lot of work to finally get one right.
Norm you give new meaning to the old saying, If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Good work norm.
norm is the man... but how dose one go abought rewinding one of these specifics please incorporate how you would do it having only the basic tools also how do you keep count of the how many winds you have without major equipment thanks
Look at some of my posts I show a rewinding machine I made out of a sewing machine with a counter. I even have a crude winding machine made out of pvc pipe with a counter it was dead slow to use and will wear your arm uot but it worked.
You can also search the net look up "winding coils"," diys coil wining" etc. lot of people do coil windings with home made equipment some are on u-tube so you will be able to get ideas on how to make yourself a winding machine.
I used 5 minute jb weld to hold the coil frame on my first winding machine quick and crude.
You will have to be inventive to do some things.
Have fun good luck
Norman, are you interested in selling re wound coils? I would like to buy one if you are and the price is not too bad... Thanks!

P.S. did you ever think of just running an R/C motor off the engine as a generator? I have seen it done, could be a great solution!
start of the 47 ft of wire is attached to the coil's frame the end of the 47' is where the white wire attached and the start of the 36 gauge wire after all the 36 gauge wire is on the coil the blue wire is attached to it's end.
may i ask how many turns you done for the white wire in the end ?

i'm doing the whire wire as we speak and i'm up to 180 turns. on 25 gauge wire.

edit: dome some maths based upon

wire length, (resistance per metre) and the volume (or should i say perimeter ? ) of the stator length where we wind the coil adding wire diameter every new layer.

I settled upon 220 turns for 1.9 Ohms with 25 gauge wire
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start of the 47 ft of wire is attached to the coil's frame the end of the 47' is where the white wire attached and the start of the 36 gauge wire after all the 36 gauge wire is on the coil the blue wire is attached to it's end.

yeah sorry, i've done an 'all nighter' and had to work out which wire was what.. you had posted up 'turns' for one wire and 'length' for the other and them not being of same measurement type i was having a mind blank but i worked it out as per my post above.

I do know how to wire this up, just wanted to know how you went for length and turn values for each wire ( and the gauge used for each) so i can get a ball park figure of where to aim for so my maths isn't wayyy off

thankyou for your help :D
I went through some of my posts and removed them I just tried a coil that for now is working better than any of the ones I done before. So they got the boot.
Tried a little different amount of wire for winding the coil.
47' 0f 26 gauge
3100 turns of 36 gauge
I figured this ain't going to work worth a darn,I got surprised!
Good bright lights above idle, it idles good once warned up still has to be adjusted a little faster to idle but I'm using the weakest magneto rotor on this coil.
I'll now try to repeat it on a different coil.
I kept trying 52' on the 26 gauge wire and this time I found less is better. Same for the 36 gauge wire I stopped way short of 3600 turns like I had been doing.
I read the ohm readings after riding it tonight they are higher when the engines been ran for a while.
white wire hot 2.5 ohms cold was 2.07 ohm
blue wire hot 320 ohms. cold was 300 ohms.
I decided to try less wire as more wire wasn't working I guess I got lucky.

Ok you mention to types of rotors, how do I identify the stronger one, and were do I get it-Thanks
I can't tell you where to get a stronger rotor, I checked all the rotors I have with a home made tester.
I found the info on how to make this tester on line I think on a forum for rc-cars. You use a hall effect sensor and an ohm meter, it's been quite a while ago.
I had a friend use a magnet charger to try and boost the magnetic power of one rotor and it didn't seem to help much.
The stronger mag rotors were on some of the first engine kits I bought, the weakest rotors were on the last engine kits.

I gave up on coil winding quite a while ago.
I have a coil that seems to be in good shape but the blue wire came completely off of it. I unwrapped the coil and removed the white wire. How can i fix this coil to be used again? There is a hair thin wire hanging from Coil and a thicker wire along with the thin wire sticking out where the white wire was
Throw it in the trash or use it for a paperweight. Buy (order) a new magneto coil. When you removed the outer wrapping you probably did more damage and the blue wire was already disconnected from the coil winding.
You'll be money and time ahead and your bike will run again with a new magneto coil.

It is incorrectly called a generator; incorrectly because generators produce DC current.
That device from Wonderful Creations produces AC current making it (in reality) an alternator.
A few folks have messed with them.
Here are just a few threads about the Wonderful Creations alternator, there are many more if you do a search of this site under "creations".

Some folks have had decent results with one, other folks.... not so good results.
They appear to be cheaply made and you must use a rectifier/ regulator. The rectifier/ regulator is not included in the Wonderful Creations kit.
Also, LED lighting is recommended as the Wonderful creations device does not produce all that much power.