Who Remebers?

Never had one of those, but I still have my moms charlie the bartender. He mixes a drink, takes a sip, then puckers his lips and smoke comes out his ears.

My brother and I used to mimic the whole routine minus the smoke.
Hours of entertainment when you're ten.
My Mom and Dad used to have a 'Race Horse' game. They would bring it out when they had friends over. There were five or six horses with jockys and there was a flywheel that you spun with a string, like a an old Briggs & Stratton. There were ball bearings that were randomly propelled along the track that struck the horses and made them jump forward. The first horse to cross the finish line, obviously, was the winner. It was made of stamped sheet metal, sort of like those gas stations that many of us had.
I have no idea what happened to it but it would probably be worth a fortune today.
