Where to find lead sheets cheap

A quick caution on lead, either breathing it in when melting or soldering it or absorbing it through the skin. It is damaging to the nervous system as in lead poisoning as in lead paint children sometimes ingest. Bad stuff. I know. I had a stained glass shop years ago and worked with it every day for hours. If you melt it, do it outside, if you handle it wash your hands afterward. A stained glass shop would have scrap and also new lead cames (H shaped channels for holding the lead) in different widths. Could buy what you need and not have to melt it.
I mis stated that. The cames are for holding the glass in place, not the lead. The cames are the lead.
If you use the lead sheet, you don't have to melt it.

Yeah, lead is bad stuff, but I used to chew pieces of it when I was a kid. I also used to coat myself in the silver stuff that is inside the old Etch-A-Sketch drawing toy too.
Bikeguy Joe,
Yeah I think back to my stained glass shop days and how careless I was about the lead. Sometimes I soldered for hours in an unventilated workspace, would have a smoke or eat a sandwich without taking the time to wash my hands. Stupid. Back in 1995 I was hit by lightning through a telephone, frying the front lobe of my brain. Traumatic brain injury resulted and a few years later developed Guillane Barre Syndrome (like polio) leaving me crippled for a few years and also leading me to motorized bikes. I'm still screwed up but can walk again and know my name (but not my phone number). I'm lucky to be alive and don't take that lightly. I try to be more respectful to my old body now (65) and am thankful for a strong constitution to begin with. Some are not so lucky and are more sensitive to insults to the nervous system such as that posed by lead. If you ate the stuff as a child, you're lucky, too. Some kids are not so fortunate, eating old pealing house paint and having brain injury as a result. Anyway, it's good to be cautious.
Check with plumbing and roofing companies or a scrap yard. They should have some that they have taken out in pipe or sheet form.
