where is the global warming


We used to get snow in Dallas almost every year. It's a mell of a hess when we get it now driving....what we do get alot almost every year is ICE! I'd much rather have the white fluffy stuff. Nice photo looks like a postcard.
I'm sure glad this didn't turn into a vitriolic, chair throwing political debate. Thanks for keeping it light, guys. Denver forecast: COLD, VERY VERY COLD, for the next week. My garage is heated and its still too cold to work out there comfortably. Rats!!!

Dan me too. It mas meant in a lighthearted manner, I am not a very political fellow. I learned a long time not to discuss politics and religion. Mostly that is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It is a total waste of your time and annoys the heck out of the pig!
Where is it? Look in the same place you'll find the dwindling ozone layer. When was the last time you saw headline news about that? The money has been made so its on to a new venue. Ever sense the cold war ended they've found new scenerios to keep us scared. The Swine Flu, Climate change, the National Ecomomy and every new disease you can imagine, etc, etc.
"A scared populace is an easily controlled populace" Bertrand Russell.
2 Door, I Seen The Weather Report For Your Area!!! Cold!! Maybe You And Family Should Head For Your Brother`s hunting Cabin In Ocala, Fl.. It 75 Inside Rite Now. May Need The Ac, The Fan At Least. The Jackalope Can Pull A Sleigh Now?? They Have Grown Considerable Since `65. Maybe The Global Warming!! Lol. Later Bud, Ron
Lots of cold (33°F-40°F) rain this fall in the south. It kind of interesting because there's lots of clay in the ground and the rain water doesn't soak into the ground so it runs across the top and causes flash floods. I have to keep an eye on my newly seeded lawn because the rain messes up the aeration and can drown seedlings. Good heavens! maybe I should grow rice LOL!
Down south we got over 2 inches of rain in 2 hours yesterday.It is 44 deg.now and will 24 tonight with 20/30 mph wind.H.D.
Down south we got over 2 inches of rain in 2 hours yesterday.It is 44 deg.now and will 24 tonight with 20/30 mph wind.H.D.

I bet you still have parts of your yard under water too then, huh :) !!! Flash floods for sure! I just surveyed my yard and the rain water washed grass seed off the top of the soil and into the ditch (Shucks!!!). I'll give it 24 hrs. to dry out and then re-aerate the area. There's supposed to be a nasty wintery mix coming across the mountains into the piedmont this weekend, but we'll see. As pretty as it is, I hate cold weather!!!
Well if ya wait till this spring and let the ditch grow to seed you can re-seed the lawn by mowin it toward the house. In just a few seasons you might have a lawn.
Down South no standing water in the yard.The yard is rolling hills with 3 lakes.All the rain goes to the lakesThe only bad thing is that the lakes are spring fed and the mud gets the water dirty.We are going to seed the pastures this spring to stop the erosion.If you want to push the seeder i have 500 acres of yard you can practice on.H.D.
I have one of those aeration drop spreader combo units that I attach to the back of my tractor. Sure makes it easier to do the job.