I think yer worried way too much about that F'n boot. Leave it off so you can see that the wire is REALLY connected to the plug. Did ya check the plug against the head? Last resort, Have a friend hold the bare wire while ya kick it over, Choose a friend that cant beat you up.LOL I'm A LOT closer than Denver bro, I was serious about the invite. I may even have a copper core laying around you could have. Not positive about the copper core but I am sure I have a plug wire that'll work. OR, you could just GET ONE OFF A JUNK CAR!!!!! It dont have to be copper core, Like 2door said. LOTS of guys use the regular wire and it works just fine. I was using regular auto wire untill last year when I finally read up on the subject. You cant really tell the difference between the two in performance unless yer building the engine to race. Just get a F'n wire on it bro, It aint rocket science,LOLnope still no ignition