Wheel Master Rims ?


Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I've always had good luck with the Histop hubs! I've actually had some Shimano brake arms bend into pretzels... (but never a Histop arm.) I think it's all about how you set them up after installing the new drive sprocket. ;)


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Northern VA
bikeworldusa heavy duty wheelset/drum brake

Sorry to resurrect a zombie thread but I sent a PM to silverbear (related to something he said in this thread that really caught my attention) without response so figured I would try this way.

silverbear said earlier in this thread:
"So, best bargain is wheel master front wheel... powder coat rim... lace four cross to take up the extra length of the spokes (10 5/8" if I remember right) to a 70mm Husky or salvaged moped front drum brake"

And my question to all is:
I want to use one of these inexpensive bikeworldusa heavy duty wheels with the 12 ga spokes as a front wheel. But I want to lace in a front drum brake. AND I don't want to have to buy new spokes, because that's a huge part of the expense. So I would like to retain everything from the new wheel except the hub. Ultimate goal here is to define a really inexpensive, wide steel rimmed, heavy duty spoked, front wheel that has a drum brake.

So, has anyone here relaced a bikeworldusa front or rear wheel using a drum brake, and retained the original spokes? I think it sounds like a genius plan to use a different lacing pattern to take up the spoke length, if possible. Not sure if the bikeworldusa wheelset has a different hub flange height on the front and back wheels? In other words, if I were to try to relace one of the bikeworldusa wheels using a drum brake hub for a front wheel, would it be better to buy a front wheel or a rear wheel?

Thanks for any replies!
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New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Northern VA
If the Bikeworlds have a small hub, you should be able to use the original spokes in a '4 cross' pattern.
OK, thanks. Maybe I just don't understand totally, but wouldn't a different size drum brake diameter mean the difference between this working or not? I assume not all drum brakes have the same flange diameters.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Sorry for not getting back to you. My memory is not the best and I don't want to steer you wrong. As I recall, I used a worksman drum brake with the wheelmaster front wheel and spokes, lacing it in 4 cross pattern. Also believe I did a French moped hub (pretty much the same size as the worksman) with spokes from a wheelmaster front wheel, but used a 1950's Schinn rim. The wheelmaster rim had some rust and I wanted to use a vintage original rim for the bike. I also laced it 4 cross. As Norm said, you have some leeway so long as the spoke length is close. Good luck and let us know how things go.


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Northern VA
Thanks for the responses. So is the heavy duty wheelset that bikeworldusa sells a "Wheel Master" wheelset? I suppose even if it is not, as long as the hub width and flange height is similar to the Wheel Master wheels that SB references, I have at least a 75% chance of this working.


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Northern VA
minor update

OK, So I just received the BikeWorldUSA 12ga heavy duty wheelset. pics included. Interesting, if you are looking for a totally matched set; this is not for you. The front wheel is from a company called Action Bikes; it has a steel rim that is made in Taiwan. It is better quality than the rear wheel.

The rear wheel is a Wheel Master. It's rim is made in China, has a much poorer grind/finish on the weld, and the chrome also already appears to have more corrosion on it than the Action wheel. The rear rim also has a small dent in the sidewall of the rim. The rear has a HISTOP coaster hub. Both appear to have 12ga spokes.

Finally, the front rim has a much sharper "shoulder" between the sidewall and the part of the rim that has the spokes (not sure what that is called)? This is why I was saying they are not a 100% match. One rim is more rounded than the other.

Oh well, I am going to paint mine, so no biggie.

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New Member
Aug 12, 2012
I have the sturmey xfd. The wheel calculator indicated there is no close match to any rim. I gave up and ordered the 12 ss spokes from husky. Then researched a few hours and ordered an Alex DX36. It must be a close secret that the dx's have eyelets. Now, getting annoyed, 12ga spokes do not fit with the eyelets, duh. Who is crazy enough to build a wheel with 12ga hehehehebabblebabble vroom. Just though I would mention it in case something goes wrong. It is suppose to be a really strong rim, OK, eyelets couldn't I have a hint I made plans, Wait a minute- Alexandria, Alexus.http://motorbicycling.com/images/smilies/duh.gif