bikeworldusa heavy duty wheelset/drum brake
Sorry to resurrect a zombie thread but I sent a PM to silverbear (related to something he said in this thread that really caught my attention) without response so figured I would try this way.
silverbear said earlier in this thread:
"So, best bargain is wheel master front wheel... powder coat rim... lace four cross to take up the extra length of the spokes (10 5/8" if I remember right) to a 70mm Husky or salvaged moped front drum brake"
And my question to all is:
I want to use one of these inexpensive bikeworldusa heavy duty wheels with the 12 ga spokes as a front wheel. But I want to lace in a front drum brake. AND I don't want to have to buy new spokes, because that's a huge part of the expense. So I would like to retain everything from the new wheel except the hub. Ultimate goal here is to define a really inexpensive, wide steel rimmed, heavy duty spoked, front wheel that has a drum brake.
So, has anyone here relaced a bikeworldusa front or rear wheel using a drum brake, and retained the original spokes? I think it sounds like a genius plan to use a different lacing pattern to take up the spoke length, if possible. Not sure if the bikeworldusa wheelset has a different hub flange height on the front and back wheels? In other words, if I were to try to relace one of the bikeworldusa wheels using a drum brake hub for a front wheel, would it be better to buy a front wheel or a rear wheel?
Thanks for any replies!