what's it really for.


minor bike philosopher
Okay Now I know that the gasket on the exhaust manifold is to get the exhaust to the muffler without the gases escaping and making a heck of a racket. I know the gasket on the intake manifold keeps the vapors in and the air out.

Now what the heck is the purpose of the gasket over the gears other than to keep the dust out. There is no real liquid to escape, no real problems with air infiltration other than the obvious dust and sand.

I ask this because I just greased the small gear with about a finger nails worth of grease. The gasket was so small that making a new one would have give me a dozen broken spots so I just coated it with forma gasket sealant and screwed it down tight. Then of course I got the job of cleaning the sealant from the outside.

Now before I start it up and ride again, tell me why I need real gasket material there. No dust is going to get in through the roofing tar.
Deacon, I bet that roofing tar will work real good, of course someone more knowledgable may think differently...................
it did rub a little so i put a little paper spacer and lots of formagasket so I will see when I ride it.
Deacon the gremlins are going to get ya for using roofing tar they like to eat the stuff and the weevils will get out of the engine cause real gasket material is like a force field and keeps the weevils inside where they belong.If you need a gasket I can help ya, let me know.
If anything goes wrong norm I will be begging you for help lol... In the meantime I'm going back to riding lectros for a while. Thanks and Ill get back to you if the thing acts up.