Whats an oldster to do?

Have you noticed lately that a call on a cell phone , trumps a face to face conversation all the time . I can be having a decent gab session with some person , then their cell rings and "Your Terminated" . They are the most annoying device of the this century . Wasn't Samual Morse the inventor of texting ?
When this happens to me I casually return the favor by walking away, ending my side of the conversation without a word. I absolutely refuse to be 'put on hold' by a person to whom I am speaking face to face.
Tom cell phones intimidate the **** out of me. My wife bought a couple a few years ago and about the only time I used it was when I lost her in WalMart. To me they are nothing but a high tech CB. We used to call it a Polack Party Line. I had my cell phone when I was driving when we first had them when it rang I almost panicked it startled me I fumbled with the buttons to try to get it turned on and when I got it on and put it to my ear my hearing aid squeeled like a stuck pig. And I said to myself this is enough of this thing. You see people all day that can't chew gum and walk a straight line driving 20mph and talking on their cell phones. To me its a disaster waiting to happen. When my grandkids and kids come over there hasn't been one time that I can remember they had their cell phones to their ear when they walk into the door. We've had the same land line and the same number for almost 30 years. I was taught that the telephone was a privilege you used it for important things like Drs appts and emergencies. On my desk I have an old telephone you probably can remember with an upright shaft with a speaker horn and a bell shaped receiver that hangs from it that you put to your ear and an actual DIAL on it, I had to get the converter to use it with the digital phone line. The kids said Grandpa you are so old school and I say it works for me and has for over 70 years and I hope I keep working for a few more trips around the sun.
Buzzard, what gets me is when, mostly young women, walk along texting thier thumbs off and not looking. Was in a local mall a couple of hours ago and was driving to the exit and a bright young lady steps off the curb and walks up the road and walks right into the front of my camper van. Only then did she look up from her phone and called me a F'in A$$hole. I leaned on my horn and she when ballistic. About 20 people looking over and laughing and pointing at her. Guess most of them had been watching her. I had stopped and was waiting.

We have deep ditchs in front of our house and a couple days ago I was sitting in the camper doing some work to it and a teenage girl walked up the street with a little dog on a long leash. Dog stopped to have a sniff of something and walked around our number post, slipped and fell in the ditch.
Now I'm watching the dog swinging like a criminal and as it struggled it was pulling on the leash and her hand was pulling away from the phone so she would jerk the leash , pull the dog up in the air and go back to texting.
Never once did she look up from the phone to see what was wrong with the dog.
After about a minute I got up and yelled to her . Told her is she was going to get rid of the dog could I have it. There was a string of foul langage aimed at the dog as she walked back to haul the pup out of the ditch by it's leash and collar like it was a well bucket, I got a dirty look and the dog was hauled down the street as she went back to texting.

To me, the sad thing is some day this girl is going to breed and what chance do the offspring have.

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Technology, by virtue of the fact that it takes away a person's need to interact with other people on the level that many of us were raised to expect, is becoming more dehumanizing as time goes on. Actual face to face encounters, manners and reactions are going to be a thing of the past one day. Thank heaven I'm old enough that I won't be around to see the final result.
Oh IM speak, or text speak, or whatever. I hate it... I just got a cell phone, very recently. And I refuse to use stupid abbreviations, or nonsense that nobody can read.
Same with instant messenger, I've been using it for years. I guess because I can type over 100wpm I don't need to use these silly abbreviations/acronyms? I don't get it .... yes, and I just turned 20 only last week.
Tom you are so right. We get emails on the shops computer stating the grounds crew hasn't doen this or that why don't they do this or that some sarcastic complaints and derogatory remarks. The boss sent out a blanket email that we didnt' have the time to answer every email one on one because we are too busy doing what needs to be done. He said if you have a complaint please call the office and we'll try to take care of it. Or better yet stop down at the grounds crew shop, have a cup of coffee and we'll talk it over. Since then we've had 1 person stop in with at complaint and another one came down to apologize for being so rude. You just can't get this type of situation under control by sending emails back and forth -- it just don't work.

Old age is when you still have someting on the ball but you're just to tired to bounce it.
I HATE it when people do that. When I'm talking to someone and my cell rings I take it out of my pocket, silence it, and go on with my conversation.

What's just as annoying is call waiting on cells. When I'm talking to someone on the cell phone and they say "I have another incoming call, so bye" and just hang up.
FTW for most people means "for the win", that saying came from the old TV game show called Hollywood Squares. It was basically tic tac toe and when the person was going to make the winning move they would say, "for the win".

Actually FTW was around long before Hollywood Squares. FTW actually came from a saying FU** The World. FTW did NOT originally mean for the win.

*walks off mumbling about kids these days*
Kinda ontopic ;)

I just watched Frontline's Digital Nation and as a guy old enough to have a childhood pre "communication age" but later adopt it ('cept phones, still hate 'em kthx), I thought it only slightly biased and dated, even though it was released this year...

...o'course that's the way of it these days, outdated as it hits the shelves :p

Still, it's worth a watch if ya have a mo'

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Here, Here! Silverbear! These young wippersnapers just don't know where they belong yet. The English language was working pretty good for 500 years befor they came along.