Whatever you do...


Well-Known Member
Do not allow a bee into your helmet. I just got stung on the ear. I wear an open faced helmet with the padded leather ear covers, sort of police style. Damn it hurts and spreading to my jaw now. The little bugger had to fly into a 1/2 inch space beside my sunglasses in order to do it. I figure he did it on purpose and I was specifically targeted although I don't know why.

At least it was only a bee and not a wasp. When I inspected at home I found the stinger and poison sac still attached. I had a wasp go down my shirt about 40 years ago so, in terms of averages, I did okay. The key to survival is to maintain complete composure and control. Anyway, best to avoid stinging insects if possible.

Ow! Dude, that really sucks. I thought riding through a cloud of gnats right as I was yawning was bad. Your problem is worse without a doubt. Hope you're feeling better real soon.
Because my ride passes a Dairy farm on the right and Horse stables on the left, I use a full face helmet. Very hot and uncomfortable at times but. Those damn flies are huge.This year, several have harri carried right into my visor and helmet. Still startles me every time. I know wearing my helmet has prevented me from losing an eye. Yeah that one had it out for you chaz. glad it wasn't worse for you.
Thanks for the support guys. I figured my post would be good for a laugh. A mouthful of gnats can't be fun and damn big turd flies can make an awful mess. I thought my ear was going to go mutant but it didn't. Still a bit stingy today but getting better. A little bit of a welt and bright red but should be all over by tomorrow.

To be honest, I've never really liked bugs and wouldn't miss them if they disappeared especially wasps, hornets, and mosquitoes.

Whatever the circumstances, do not lose your pilot focus. Just a little tip for the young and old alike. Bee sting bad, skin graft very, very bad.
I tried eating a yellow jacket by accident. Hamburger in mouth and then lucky the stinger was in roof of mouth not down throat. I picked it out in bad pain. Someone said put ice on it and that helped. Wasps I understand are the bigger ones and was lucky that it was not that. I probably would have notice before I started chewing what was on the burger. This was not while riding.

While riding I did have maybe a bee or the like sting my farhead when it got caught under the helmet. It was without a shield while going fast down hill.

Hope it is getting better soon!
Oops, I missed the last couple of posts. Thanks guys, my ear went back to normal, only one tiny scab left, but I'm not going to pick at it. I learned that lesson.

I remember years ago when my girlfriend picked a bunch of dried out hydrangea flowers before the frost came. After a couple of hours inside the room filled with freshly awakened hornets. That was like a scene from a comedic farce. Lucky we didn't get stung.
Oops, I missed the last couple of posts. Thanks guys, my ear went back to normal, only one tiny scab left, but I'm not going to pick at it. I learned that lesson.

I remember years ago when my girlfriend picked a bunch of dried out hydrangea flowers before the frost came. After a couple of hours inside the room filled with freshly awakened hornets. That was like a scene from a comedic farce. Lucky we didn't get stung.

Glad to know you are okay now. ;)