Warning to All! - Everyone look at this!

A few people have mentioned replacing the mounting bolts with Grade 8. Personally I elected to go with Grade 5 which are still much higher quality than the stock bolts but they have a certain amount of 'give' that is lacking in Grade 8 bolts which are stronger but more brittle. After a few rides in the rain, though, I am also thinking stainless might be a better option.

Good advice, grade 5 are better in this application, stainless are O.K. but brittle in the same way as grade 8.
If you don't cobble something together, then expect miracles from it, you aren't going to have many problems.

If I want someone to save me from fun, life, liberty and the pursuit of busting my own ass, I'll call my "Uncle Sam".
Warning!!!!!!!!!!!! The use of a trash compactor can be very dangerous and extreme caution must be followed .I sugest you get the owners manual out and read it from cover to cover (twice) to make shure you understand how it works.

P.S. I could use another motor ,all you have to do is send it to me.
i had the same thing happen with my 2 stroke and luckly like you no wreck or anything involved. i went to the hardware store purchased the strongest bolts made. retaped the mounts (all of them after that scare) and had no further problems. that is the first thing i will do if i get another 2 stroke is replace the mounting screws with high quility ones. all of us have ruined a screw or 2 that comes with the kits and that should be a good hint the are pretty soft.
I can not see how you originally had the front mount, but I know that bike you are using. Since the Front of the Engine has a stand off of 0.5 inch or so, it will not matter what grade bolts you use.. They will break again. I know. Because I have been through exactly what has happened to you. The Exact same thing happened to me. I replaced my front bolt with a grade 5 . This only made it last a little longer before it too went Kaput. Once the Front bolt goes, the rear ones are quick to follow. ....... I finally made a Bracket to take up the gap using my wire feed welder. This never broke but was much more complex than the final method I found that works best but does require drilling a hole and using the 3 hole adapter. You can see the final method on the last page of my Install pages at the Bottom. It uses the 3 hole adapter and flat washers and never breaks, and that is using the factory bolts which are Grade 1 or 2. No need to use Grade 5. Thanks.. Enjoy the ride..
Warning!!!!!!!!!!!! The use of a trash compactor can be very dangerous and extreme caution must be followed .I sugest you get the owners manual out and read it from cover to cover (twice) to make shure you understand how it works.

P.S. I could use another motor ,all you have to do is send it to me.

Good advice. I've used industrial sized compactors and they certainly can be dangerous if not used properly. I used one properly, had a lot of fun with it, and never got hurt.
Well I just got back with 4 39" all thread aircraft grade for my motor mounts. All ten bikes will get new mounting bolts before they are ridden again. We ALL learn and help each other here. Thats what this Forum is about! We have the ability to learn so I use mine. (c)



Seriously, if you don't understand what you are dealing with here, maybe you should buy an anvil, very hard to screw up or break.
Yep, my motor has sheared the rear stud next to the crankcase as well. The front mount was robust enough that the motor was held in fairly well.

Took the motor out last night and retapped the holes to 1/4 20 and I suspect that I won't have any issues.

Yes China makes crap! I think replacing all of the studs with nice 1/4 20 or maybe even 6mmx1 quality stock before the install is a solid move.

You don't even have to redrill the holes to switch to 1/4 20, just run a bottoming tap into the existing hole. [Or just grind most of the taper off of your tap and you have your own bottoming tap] Blue Locktite the new studs.
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I have replaced the studs and nuts on my new motor today..dont want any problems.Glad to see u are ok man..must have scared the **** outta ya..I never overlook teh small stuff.
Sorry about your experience! Having read all this, I'd be getting good hardware on every build from here on out! What I feel is really important to remember is you're riding a bicycle, that now has a motor on it that propels it to speeds it really wasn't designed for, especially those Walmart bicycles. Get a good bike, good tires, strong wheels, and slow down a bit.
Well now, we have a bit of a frustration over this ooopps it fell off.
Sorry to see such a thing. I would send it back for a replacement and tell them the truth of the fact, this was a faulty casting and the mount wing failed on the first trip. And when you get the next engine, try to modify into the mounting a rubber dampner to absord the vibration.
When i was a kid, we use to do everything under the sun to get our early B&S units to mount up to our bicycles, and the incorporation of rubber dampners was the key to a good sturdy ride.
Good luck on the next build. I for one have gone through over 15 different small bore engines in the past years. Most of them suffering detination from introducing nitro-fuel to them and running them too hot. As a kid trying to re-invent an early style of motor-biking, you tend to over do everything.:crash:

I like to go fast and like to push the envilope on the small and micro enginies we are using today. Nothing beats the feel of achievment before the whole mess just erupts out from under your kiester.:eek:rotfl
Best part of this fad, I am 50 and still doing the same crazy stunts with my younger kids and their friends. And they always come back for more.

Okay, so maybe I over-reacted a bit. Now that some time has passed and I've had a chance to process the whole thing. No question, I was pushing the thing too hard. Live and learn. That is, once again, I'm glad I've lived to learn. Not the first time, probably won't be the last. But, as my idol Burt Munro put it so eloquently, "You live more in five minutes on a motorcycle than most people do in a lifetime". So, with that in mind, it's back to the drawing board.
I'm 57. I would do this kind of crazy stunt with my kids and their friends, but they're all too scared. They all think I'm just a crazy old man. :ride:
You miss my point. That's all it was to me, too, a fun hobby. That doesn't mean you won't get seriously hurt or killed playing with something that's just plain dangerous no matter how you use it.

UH, helmet, finger gloves, and yeah... you dont have to drive it that fast!

I reserve the power for getting out of sticky situations, if a mopeder passes me, than oh well, an ego issue i think maybe. besides if your bike doesnt have shocks on the front and rear and YOUR GOING 30MPH on it, prepare for death anyway if you hit a bump in the road or anything else for that matter.

I live in las vegas and traffic is crazy so every time i take my bike out, I think of my funeral, but more ppl have died standing at bus stops here in the last year than have died on motorized bicycles!

dont want danger? stay home and learn to knit~! (just a joke,dont flame me)