Warning to All! - Everyone look at this!

You miss my point. That's all it was to me, too, a fun hobby. That doesn't mean you won't get seriously hurt or killed playing with something that's just plain dangerous no matter how you use it.

what Mrlarkins is trying to say is that this is supposed to be a fun project. not "make-a-rolling-deathtrap". basicaly have fun, but be safe..xx.
To brucemg 51 I watched the mythbusters polish turds to a high shine.
there was a definite technic and it took lots of time with crap on there hands
but the end proudct was quite bueatiful. Try try again
to everyone else have a great time polishing
most of the problem of braking motor mount bolts, or them coming loose all the time starts with the chain and tensioner, if the chain is not lined up true it binds on the sprockets, since the tensioner is solid, not spring loaded, the binding makes the chain overly tight and the solid tensioner can't give any slack, so the force is going to pull the motor side to side in the frame. this brakes or stretches the studs. grade 8 bolts are great, untill you need to drill a broken one for an ez-out. grade 5 is strong enough and not to hard to drill if the need arises.
Ive sheared the bolts off my motor a couple of times. Ever since I used 12.9 grade steel bolts, never a broken bolt again.. The bolts that come in the kits must be something like 4.8.
I`ve also sheared my bottom mount bolts. The main problems with mb`s are mounting bolts,tensioner and not using locktite. It should be mandatory to at least change the mounts out with 6m quality bolts during the build up. I used a hex bolt from home depot and cut the head off. The original bolts are crap. The other mount hole still needs to be tapped, so i`m riding on one bolt,no nut. but its still better than two pot-metal bolts, and ive had no problems. When the engine bends out like that,you may need to replace the cdi if the plug wire pulls out. check the mag wires connections. I used a multimeter and had to replace a wire that snapped internally in the casing. You may need a soddering iron, i got lucky and had to replace the wire that attaches to the mag by screw. The chain may have bent back and loosened a link which will fall off during riding. if that happened just replace the chain, the links are like rivets and arent meant to pop on and off.

I think ive broke my bike every way possible twice, and never fallen off. I figure one day it will break as mush as it can and be reliable or blow up. I ride it as fast as it will go, when it breaks and I cant roll to a stop or the bike jams up I power slide. Power sliding has helped immensely with having to stop abruptly from unaware drivers. It constantly saves my back end. bikes go 30-40 down hill all the time. Once I hit a speed bump not paying attention doing about 40 and went airborne and never let go of the accelerator, no suspension so when i landed straight my inertia transferred into forward momentum. If I wobbled or panicked I probably would have crashed. I dont wear a helmet, they cost too much and would impair my visibilty. This is probably safer than riding down a car-park on a skateboard or skitching cars in busy traffic. I can tuck and roll out of the spills anyway. I`m way more concerned with getting ran over by impatient drivers who pay absolutely no attention to anything but text messaging. I guess i just learned to physics.
I, too, have replaced a lot of the hardware with higher quality parts, but I'm at the point that I have to wonder when is enough, enough?

But ya didnt replace the studs??????? ITS FROM CHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeh the kits a lil ruff but its up to you to maintain it, pad up! buy a volvo
To brucemg 51 I watched the mythbusters polish turds to a high shine.
there was a definite technic and it took lots of time with crap on there hands
but the end proudct was quite bueatiful. Try try again
to everyone else have a great time polishing

LOL! I saw that episode. It was a classic. And very good description of what's going on with some of these engines.

I had a few bolts shear in my time, both while tightening and later on the road. Once I realised it was me with my 12" ratchet handle it stopped happening. And like Camlifter says, try drilling out a grade 8.8 bolt! :)

Nothing wrong with chinese hardware. A stubby ratchet handle and a little threadlocker go a long way to solving most of these issues.

I have built, sold and kept track of a few bikes with all stock stuff on them, and two have waaaay over 1000 miles on them with no issues. (both were thatsdax kits)
Did you check your motor for radiation. Have heard stories of items coming out of Asia made with metal recycled from nuclear power plants.

i had the same thing happen to my black stallion kit after about 40 miles of riding. i knew it would happen though.
i should have replaced the cheap mounting studs on the motor but i did not.
i know the engines are not junk but the mounting hardware in most kits are.for me
it is a lesson learned and i just ordered a new body for the motor for 20.00 ,no
biggie its a good time for my porting to be done aswell as the piston mod and my new pipe!
my roomate has the same kit as me and has not mounting issues at all only 1 issue with the carb
it was bogging down at high speed took off the bottom of the carb and saw a little pin was loose above the float now it runs like a top....