VOTE! Biker Build Off

Vote For Biker Build Off

  • camlifter

    Votes: 38 38.4%
  • flybytaco

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Retmachinist

    Votes: 17 17.2%
  • Venice Motor Bikes

    Votes: 38 38.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Please Vote For Your Favorite Bike In The The Biker Build Off

1) camlifter



4)Venice Motor Bikes



These builds demonstrate a lot of skill, imagination and an artistic eye. You guys rock! My own choice was determined by the yardstick of what would I most like to have as a rider if it was my only bike and I was going to ride it a lot. I picked the build by retmachinest as it looks great, is rock solid and is rider friendly for an old guy. I could ride that bike all day long. Great work. you guys. You inspire the rest of us.
Here's my play by play of these bikes... (if anyone cares)
This is just my opinion of the bikes, I'm not putting anyone down, or critisizing their work, just my opinion...

Johns bike is probably the the most comfortable & solid looking, (it has a very solid & road worthy look to it) I love all the custom billet parts & the disc brake adapters are way cool! I don't like the way the neck looks like it's facing backwards tho... (flip it forward for that extra point john! ;) )
I think this bike really shows off his talent as a machinest, engineer & MB builder!! He is my #2 vote. (barely beating out Cam for #2)

Cams bike is very well done & I like the antique motorcycle style, but I too think it looks like the Rocketeer would be riding it.
I think the fenders could have been smaller & the tank a little bigger to balance out the look, (just my opinion)
I'm just not a big fan of giant fenders on any bike... sorry. :-{
I think his bike shows great innovation in the 3 speed jackshaft hub, removable fenders & custom tank.
I'm always in awe of what comes from Acme labs!! He is my #3 vote.

Tacos bike looks very solid, comfortable & bullet proof. I like the 'industrial strength' jack shaft & motor mount. It looks like it will give 1000's of miles of trouble free riding.
My only problem is that the bike is basically just a stock StingRay... I really think that a custom gas tank & some custom paint would have made it special. He is my #4 vote.

& finally, my bike... It's hard to judge our own things so I won't. (I'll just explain what & why I did it)
It wasn't built to be a comfortable or practical daily bike, it was built to be a wild looking show bike with the single purpose of beating Briton Bees!
I wanted it to be a wild looking long n low rat rod, & I think I did it!
All my effort went into the frame & tank.
I also wanted to keep it simple without a lot of clutter, (no chain tensioner, lights, mirrors & such) I like very simple, cool looking machines! This is my #1 vote. (because I have to vote for myself! ;) )

After all is said & done, I already beat the one person that I set out to beat... BBM!! (so this is all just 'gravy'!!) :D
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Just to clear matters up, Yes my handlebar stem is turned backwards for a Very Good reason. I had to get the seat laid back as far as I could to get me away from the pedals. That started out as a 20 inch frame. Then by turning the stem around it positioned the handle bars straight back about four inches so it made for a Very comfortable ride. I guess I go for comfort first, and looks second.
It must be awfully comfortable, after riding it my wife says it's hers.

i like Norm's (Venice) bike because it looks like a cool bicycle with a motor on it.
I plan on keeping this bike and really doing it up norm like a nice tank and stuff not really gonna get into paint cause i like the stock scheme thats why I matched the head and motor mount. Alot of work went into this bike I did not take 3 months to build it it took me 3 sleepless days lol. I love norms bike the best #1 vote retmachinests 2nd I like the fire engine swirlies nice touch. I would have to say all the bikes here are nice. Mine is built for the long haul and is actually quite comfy to ride..just gottaslap an 80cc in her now that starfire aint cuttin the mustard lol
i want to be one of the guards for next halloween...


  • thx.jpg
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Rocketeer schmocketeer............Cam, you rock, to me it brings visions of old Nortons, BSA's and Triumphs, which also by the way used Sturmey Archers as their gearboxes. And no Nougat that "THX 1138" caught my eye too, Lucas's epic first film.
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PS: ARE the Michelangelo of Metal. One look at those fenders and we should all be humbled by the "Cam-Torch"....... LOL.
thanks guys, there are aspects i like in all the bikes, but of course i like mine best.
the thx 1138 is an easter egg in all of lucas's films, some where in his films you'll see the thx reference, in american graffiti, millners coupe's license plate is THX 138, and all the star wars movies have it in them somewhere, i like the pinky and the brain egg, at the start of every show the white board where the brain draws up his plan to take over the world, the plan number is THX 1138
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Hey Cam, I didn't mean to rip on your bike... It's just that I see lots of those fiberglass fenders & tanks at the swapmeets out here... They're just not my cup of tea.

It's the same as saying you've seen lots of ape-hangers & lowriders, & they're not you're style.
yeah, thats why we have build off's, to push the envelope. i went into this wanting to do something different, try new styles and ideas. i think i achieved that with the art deco styling and the 3 speed jack shaft, it might not be for everyone but its new.
i wish we would have had more builders in this, i would of loved to see jims cafe concept in this build off.
choppers and lowriders are cool, but have been done before, this build off fell short because there were to few entered, we have 3 choppers and 1 different styled bike, 2 of the choppers are prety much off the shelf occ bikes with china kits.
i'm also not happy that briton stirred all this up and then droped out, i think any of our bikes would of beat him.