Vintage V-Twin Engine Build

Hey Pedal Pusher this is not your thread so show some respect for the post's author, the kind of comments you just made about me (which have been edited) are unnecessary!

You have been provided with the information you wanted about Toms engine building so keep your personal comments to yourself and enjoy what Tom has provided for us.

Sorry! Tom that you have to put up with this and Thanks! for sharing your talents with us.
Hey Pedal Pusher this is not your thread so show some respect for the post's author, the kind of comments you just made about me (which have been edited) are unnecessary!

You have been provided with the information you wanted about Toms engine building so keep your personal comments to yourself and enjoy what Tom has provided for us.

Sorry! Tom that you have to put up with this and Thanks! for sharing your talents with us.

hsvmick, I have taken the other bike to several shows most people ask what brand is it. I tell them it is custom built, then they ask where did you get the engine. Yes I am planning on building a bike for this engine, not sure of the type yet.
Ludwig II, The master rod will be connected to the rear cyl. I have read where on the old v-twin engines the rear cyl ran cooler than the front because the crank shaft slings oil up inside it.
Slogger, The bore and stroke is 3.25 x 3.75 aprox.

thats great to here and its a show of its own and now a twin build wow you are outstanding
to have the right tooling and equipment may make it a little easier at times but then to put hours of knowledge and work into metal to form a master piece and then to here it run must be a drive, what prize do you take home from the judges ,or is it the guy's who cant believe you made it all what really win's the day for you
thank you for sharing your builds its unreal to read and see
Looking forward to seeing more on this Mr. Tom TG! I have learned quite a bit from my friend who has been a machinist since about 12 and he's now 57. Tool and die maker extrordinare!

I am looking at your other engine first and then after I do that I may jump on this one too!

Awesome job sir!
This level of machining craftmanship just astounds me!

Its so hard for me to imagine fabricating your own pistons, rods, etc. from blank chunks of metal.

I bow down to your awe-inspiring skill. Like Wayne and Garth (from Wayne's World) used to say, "We are not worthy!"

Look forward to the completed engine roaring to life,

Thanks guys
The master and slave rod is not going to work for me so I am going to build a knife and fork rod. look at this picture and you can see the problem.
I built some new rods and they clear the case so its time to move on to the cylinder heads. Here are some pictures of them.


I have been working on the cylinder heads. Here are some pictures. They still need the spark plug hole, fins ,exhaust and intake ports.


Truly Amazing!!
Now that's what I call Mad Skills when you can engineer a V twin on the fly like this with no plans drawn up ahead of time. Gald you decided to go with the knife and fork rod configuration too... I saw the problem in the pictures for this case, but the knife and fork design should save a little weight on the bottom end and eliminate a few moving parts. The Master/Slave setup is a proven design tho but I've always liked the compactness and light weight of the knife and fork.... Cant wait to see more progress on this one...