What are you going to put it in?
Hey Pedal Pusher this is not your thread so show some respect for the post's author, the kind of comments you just made about me (which have been edited) are unnecessary!
You have been provided with the information you wanted about Toms engine building so keep your personal comments to yourself and enjoy what Tom has provided for us.
Sorry! Tom that you have to put up with this and Thanks! for sharing your talents with us.
hsvmick, I have taken the other bike to several shows most people ask what brand is it. I tell them it is custom built, then they ask where did you get the engine. Yes I am planning on building a bike for this engine, not sure of the type yet.
Ludwig II, The master rod will be connected to the rear cyl. I have read where on the old v-twin engines the rear cyl ran cooler than the front because the crank shaft slings oil up inside it.
Slogger, The bore and stroke is 3.25 x 3.75 aprox.