very new


New Member
hi everyone!!! i just wanted to stop of and introduce jason.very new to motorized bikes.when i ran into a guy here in san diego with one i just couldnt believe it.i was up all night thinking about these bikes.ok im hooked now.i havent gotten a bike yet,but im gonna get a beach cruiser off of craigslist.ive talked with dax on the phone 2 weeks ago about his motors.

ok im just turned 36 and still skateboarding!ya its to fun to stop.i even have a ramp in my back yard.i also ride a fixed gear bike too.i have a 4yr old also in to kustom cars from the 30's-50's.i have a 1951 chevy 2dr sedan and a 1941 chevy coupe.

im sure im gonna be asking a lot of question thanks for your help when asking.

Howdy Jason, welcome. Know what you mean about laying awake dreaming about the build. Think we all are nutz. Dax is an awesome choice. They really are great and good to do biz with. Post pics!

Post Script, try not to do jumps with alum frames! Trust me. snork.
Welcome to the madness... Enjoy the build as much as the ride...Post pics as you build... You'll get all the info and all the help you need from here... :)
I was like a kid when planning my mobike build. Which engine kit? Which bicycle? Single speed or derailleur? What type of brakes, tires, lights, etc?
Welcome to the forum.
Yeah, I have the same problem with laying awake at night building in my head! I'm 22 with 22 years of experience (44) and I'll never grow up!

Welcome to the forum!
ok so i havent gotten the motor yet,but i cant fugure out what bike.i have a so-called MB that i got off was 2 bikes(his and her) for $50.they are i believe from walmart.they are called ROADMASTER?so do i put a motor on that or look at beach cruisers?:-||thanks for your help

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Welcome Jason,
Anyone who owns or likes 2 Doors sounds like good people. Enjoy this crazy hobby, take your time, built it right and don't hesitate to ask questions. We were all newbies at some point and like to share our combined knowledge with new members. Send us some pix when you get started on the build.