In 1999 the WC-1 cost about $1600.00 new.Thats what i paid for mine then.There have been many attempts to solve some of the problems,valves seats lifting,oil purging,motor temperature above 500 plus degrees.Back then with the valve seats lifting we used a technique known as valve staking,peening material over the edge of the valve seat to help hold it in place,using over size valve seats,using locktite on the valve seat.But because of the high heat this didn't slove the problem.One thing that did work was the uses of roll pins between the valve seat and cylinder deck.This cost about $3.00 if you do it your self.with oil purging there was a hole or two drilled on the tappet over to help vent crankcase pressure.again because of high heat this is still a problem.The cylinder was painted black to help draw out heat,but it's just paint it doesn't have any real value.All WC-1,Ne,Ne-r still have heat issues,high temps.In 2007 i began coating head,piston,valves cylinder with Dry film coating and Thermal barriers my cylinder temp has drop to 275 degrees to 300 degrees on aveage.The WC-1 has been given a bad rap.i used this coating on my WC-1 and Ne,you should have a choice to use either or.The coating cost goes like this,valves about $9.00 to $14.00,piston top about $20.00 skirt $20.00,combustion chamber about $20.00.With just the piston,valves and combustion done you'll see a big difference,lower temps.