Tragedy strikes!!! (well, sorta)

Bravo silverbear! Amen to that man!

Alas - I am far from Ohio (fortunately?) but I hope others take up this call to arms ;)
The Way I Read It He May Be Ok!!?? (4501-23-19 Assembley By Person Other Than Manufacture) And If You Have A Vaild License And Over 18 You Do Not Need A Motor Bicycle License. And It Reads (imho) That A Person May Be Able To Get A Manufactures Certification If The Motorbike Requirements Are Met. I Might Pm Houghmade (atty) For His Opinion, If He Has Time. I Hope I Did Not Misread It. Ron
This is a 78 AMF Roadmaster. It is the first moped on the Ohio moped list.

It has a Staton friction drive motor kit on it now. It has a VIN sticker on the front.

It was made in the USA and sold by the Harley dealers.

The forks and crank are standard bicycle sizes so you can swap parts real easy.

I put some old school GT cranks and Dyno handle bars on mine. Chrome 24" forks too.

I have seen them as cheap as $20 on Craigslist. Here is one on eBay.

1979 AMF Roadmaster Moped Scooter Bike NO RESERVE:eBay Motors (item 130330063359 end time Sep-14-09 15:54:41 PDT)

Picture of stripped down AMF Roadmaster with some BMX parts.

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That's interesting. It looks like enough room for an in frame HT motor if a person didn't want friction drive. Gas tank could go on the rear rack. Is that a drum brake up front? Looks like a decent seat. Did those use a coaster brake in back? That would be one way around the law, wouldn't it?
That's interesting. It looks like enough room for an in frame HT motor if a person didn't want friction drive. Gas tank could go on the rear rack. Is that a drum brake up front? Looks like a decent seat. Did those use a coaster brake in back? That would be one way around the law, wouldn't it?

Hey silverbear,

It has drum brakes front and back. The tires are 16" moped tires. Same size as 20" bicycle tires.

The moped rims and tires are thicker than bicycle rims and tires.

The Roadmaster came with no sprocket on the left side because it used friction drive.

You can buy moped rims with a sprocket on the left side for the motor drive.

Electric wheels too.

Romeo Electric Moped Hub Motor 2,000W - Conversions

As far as I know it can be registered as a moped in all states. Thanks cvlt1
Hey silverbear,

It has drum brakes front and back. The tires are 16" moped tires. Same size as 20" bicycle tires.

The moped rims and tires are thicker than bicycle rims and tires.

The Roadmaster came with no sprocket on the left side because it used friction drive.

You can buy moped rims with a sprocket on the left side for the motor drive.

Electric wheels too.

Romeo Electric Moped Hub Motor 2,000W - Conversions

As far as I know it can be registered as a moped in all states. Thanks cvlt1

Well that's a pretty slick rig with a lot of potential. I especially like the idea of heavier rims with wider tires and drum brakes on both wheels. How do you like yours?
Too bad the seller is not willing to ship it. If I lived in Wisconsin, it would be mine.
That thing is cool.
Well that's a pretty slick rig with a lot of potential. I especially like the idea of heavier rims with wider tires and drum brakes on both wheels. How do you like yours?

Hi silverbear, I like it. It's a heavy duty bicycle or a lightweight moped. It's easy to pedal with the motor lifted up. I have seen one with a HT motor. Thanks cvlt1
Too bad the seller is not willing to ship it. If I lived in Wisconsin, it would be mine.
That thing is cool.

Hi GearNut, Yeah, I asked one eBay seller if he would take it apart to ship and he said yes but I got out bid on that one.

A Craigslist ad saying I want to buy AMF moped might work. Thanks cvlt1
hey this is not the time to lay down its time to put up the good fight, im in and ya ill pitch in a few bucks for a wildfire if thats what it takes. is there any politicos in ohio that i can write to protest? sounds like you are actually legal and just dealing with a butthole cop, once again whatever it takes im in,frank
I could go out and jump through all the hoops and find a way to get on the approved list, rig up the bikes with lights, horn, turn signals, ect so to meet the specs for approval.

Then I would have a moped...which is kind of the idea here.

I just want to ride without any hassle, period.

So I do. I have been riding several times since this all started, and I find it even more enjoyable now that I have to use a bit (more) stealth and cunning in my operation.

Honestly, I enjoy the semi-outlaw part of it all.

That's where I stand, respecting all other opinions as well.
Right on Joe . When I first got in to these bikes I was prepared to to go the legal route and make a moped . Then I figured out that these engines are not meant to be moped engines they are meant to be bicycle engines . I would proudly frame any ticket and brag about the fact that it bothered the cop so much that I was actually happy to get a ticket .

After my first contact with an anal cop I started planning for defensive driving . I installed a set of mirrors so that I could see them slithering up behind me . I also installed a kill switch with better access so that I could shut the motor off instantly and ghost pedal . I carry a plastic bag and a pair of pliers so that the chain can be removed in under a minute so that I could ride in front of the cops lying in wait and coast by them so they would waste their time coming after me only to find out the engine was in no way connected to the bike drive system . This will waste their time and make them look as foolish as they are . ..... D.J.
You must not have much crime in your neck-o-the woods there, D.J.
The cops seem to be bored and you are their entertainment.
A good lot of taxpayer $$$ at work there, eh?
Here too. You think they would spend some time/energy/tax money busting drunk drivers and meth labs, something that seem to be in abundance here in the boonies.

At any rate, I think I said a way long time ago that I would ride until I got a ticket, then worry about it after that.

I haven't gotten a ticket, yet.