This is a subject that's been making me nuts since the first time I mounted a motor on a bike. I can argue for both sides but I honestly don't understand the logic behind solid mounting. I not saying it's wrong I just don't understand it; maybe I'm doing something wrong. I would really like someone to explain the benifit of it. With solid mounting the motor stayed planted but the vibes were unbearable. Nobody is going to convince me that high frequency vibration isn't going to destroy a motor and or bike over time with stress cracking etc.
I used inner tube and it was worthless. It reduced vibes for a short period of time but the motor moved around too much and the rubber disinergrated within a few days and then it vibrated worse than ever. The next thing I tried was leather strap which worked way better than tape or inner tube. It did disinergrate but it took all summer to do so. At first I had to tighten the mounts often until the motor settled in but after that no more issues. It still vibrated but it was much more dull.
I remember a guy on here that made mounts with polyurethane bushings. I wonder how that worked out? That seemed like the way to go. Also the vibration issue were worse on certain bikes. The cheapo 70's open road canterlever frame was the worst by far and my '50 Schwinn was a distant second. The smoothest was on a "Next" mountain bike. I needed to use the over size tubing plate on that bike, I wonder if that was the reason? I dunno.