To our moderators

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but if you're just as hostile and rude as the one that pissed you off - you're not helping matters any.

So, what is profanity by this forums standards? I don't recall having anything deleted and generally try to not type the way I talk or think, but while we are on the subject of profanity and a moderator used what I consider to be profanity to explain why not to use it, I would like to know.
This is creating more problems than I had anticipated. Deal with it as you will, but if the admins want to lock this and let it sink they have my blessing.
wow, i had another post deleted.
can't figure out why.
didn't get a message telling me why it was deleted.
so i'm sure i'll make what ever mistake again and then i'll get another pissed off mod telling me he should ban me cause i've had numerous warnings.

i'd really love to see why my post was deleted.
there was nothing in it that broke rules.

i thought i recalled a law stating that internet forum users had to be 13 years old. i can't find that info now.

and yeah if you want your kids on the forum then that is your choice, but just like letting them watch tv, YOU need to moderate what they see and do.

in my opinion kids have no place on the internet or forums. this is a motorized bicycle forum not a kids playground.

for the question if i swear in stores, **** yeah i do.
unless there are kids around (that should be there) i talk normal. normal for me is to swear.
if there are kids around that should not be there i'll still swear, it's not my fault their parents don't understand that kids don't belong some places.

i had a guy tell me to "watch my mouth" when i was in a casino in vegas cause his kids were there.
kids don't belong in adult environments.
i told him if he didn't like my words then he can have his kids leave. he got in my face and then he left with a broken nose. so not only did his kids have to hear my swear words, they got to see their big tough dad get punched in the face.

i'm sure this post will be deleted too.
Mike we don't delete posts just because a person has an opinion and shares it. Yours will remain but in all fairness I feel we've heard from both sides on this topic and I don't believe it is going anywhere but will continue to get hostile and ugly.
This thread is now finished and locked. If anyone has a problem with that please feel free to PM me or the forum admistrator. I will respond to any and all replies.
So, what is profanity by this forums standards? I don't recall having anything deleted and generally try to not type the way I talk or think, but while we are on the subject of profanity and a moderator used what I consider to be profanity to explain why not to use it, I would like to know.

Yeah... thread is locked, but I'll "abuse" my standing and answer this one anyway. :D

If you do actually think another word should be added to the autocensor you can by all means contact the admin about it - but fortunately what does and does not constitute "profanity" isn't actually up to you, that'd be Paul's call and he made it.

Basically, any word you can't type without it turning into a buncha "*****"s would be on the forbidden list - which is actually really convenient for everyone as it's actually pretty impossible to get in trouble for a rule you simply can't break ;)
Hey Mike...what kind of gun is this?
Surfer Mike- "Duh I dunno..."
Me- "The kind that shoots backwards!"
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