This web site still won't show the answers when I click on the posts. It just comes up blank after the the advertisers banner. I'm on AOL if that matters.
what answers are you looking for? What is the problem? If you are having problems, the problem may be that you are posting problems in the Introduce yourself section.
I just click on a thread and I can read the whole thing. I've never had any trouble. In fact this has been one of the smoothest running forums I've ever been a part of...................
Don't worry about where you ask your questions. This is the forgiving forum. Ask and we will answer then someone might move it, but you get your questions answered here regardless.
Don't worry about where you ask your questions. This is the forgiving forum. Ask and we will answer then someone might move it, but you get your questions answered here regardless.
To change the setting on windows , go to Tools ,then go to Internet Options . Then click on the Privacy tab at the top . You have to make the decision on what level to choose . You might choose High or medium high . Then press Apply then OK . I hope that this helps . .... D.J.