Think bike by Ford


Angry Old Fart
I have a folding Think bike "Traveler" and was wondering if anyone else on this forum has even heard of Think bike. It got a lousy review online years ago, but the reviewer had to have been mildly brain damaged. The bike is fun and very reliable. I'm gonna hunt for the cruiser version, found two in Phoenix a couple years ago and then lost his contact info.
Welcome Weedy to the forum my fellow Tucsonan, Glad you joined us :D

I have heard of the Think bike, but never seen one....What speed and range do you get from your Think bike? How long does it take to re-charge?
Thanks for the welcome. The Thinkbike Traveler (2001) gets around 12 miles on full power (20 MPH with my 225 lbs.) and about 17 on economy mode. Charge time is about 2 or 3 hours. It is a pedal assist only type and for its time was/is advanced in it electronics, power management, drive train hardware and on board diagnostics. Ford dropped the whole Thinkmobility division to focus on fuel cell stuff so this thing, cool as it may be, is a white elephant. That's why I'm looking for more cruiser or folding models for parts and back-up.:ride2:
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hmmm, I'm a Ford mechanic and have never heard of the Think bicycle...but then again, just to show how silly things are, about 5 years ago we'd heard rumors that there was a new diesel out to save the planet, and the first time that was confirmed was when a new customer towed their broken one in. Everyone gathered around to see it. We've been flooded with 6.o diesels since then.
Ford owned Thinkmobility up until 2001 or so. I thought there was a Think car also about that time. Another brand used an identical drive train, LaFree was the name. They were made in 15 inch and 18 inch sizes, frame by Giant.
hmmm, I'm a Ford mechanic and have never heard of the Think bicycle...but then again, just to show how silly things are, about 5 years ago we'd heard rumors that there was a new diesel out to save the planet, and the first time that was confirmed was when a new customer towed their broken one in. Everyone gathered around to see it. We've been flooded with 6.o diesels since then.

Man, I lost count on how many oil pump's I have done on the 6.0 rotfl
Man, I lost count on how many oil pump's I have done on the 6.0 rotfl

My best bud in my shop works next to me...we both did driveability/electrical...until he got suckered into 6.0 classes with the promise of never having to actually work on them, but merely to achieve "shop competency"...He's been mired in them for years and years....sucka.

I wish whiny whacked-out diesel owners would get motorbikes and have to tinker with things themselves.(^) No longer would somebody be complaining that they go 80mph up the Grapevine with a horse trailer and A/C on and they're getting only 15mpg....then again, we'd be getting complaints that they re-jetted and boost-bottled and NOS'd and regeared their motorbike and getting 45mph and only getting 90mpg.
I have the "Fun" and the "Traveler" but I have not ben able to ride them. I'm looking for the charger, would you have any info that could help.
Thank you.
I have the "Fun" and the "Traveler" but I have not ben able to ride them. I'm looking for the charger, would you have any info that could help.
Thank you.

Welcome to the forum cparris, glad you joined us :D

I looked for a charger for your E-Bike's but found nothing. You may want to contact E-bike chargers provider's for some help. They may have what you need or at least direct you in the right direction

Here are a few link's, I hope they are helpful

Battery charger for electric bike and electric scooters

Fast chargers for electric bicycles and scooters for OEMs

Electric Bikes -

Battery Chargers - Scooter Accessories, Bike Accessories, Soneil chargers

Battery chargers, electric scooter chargers, gas scooter chargers, chinese battery charger.
I have a feeling that thier is no specific charger for your e-bike's, but a aftermarket charger that would work.
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I have the "Fun" and the "Traveler" but I have not ben able to ride them. I'm looking for the charger, would you have any info that could help.
Thank you.

Sorry, I was away, but I can look at the "specs" for the charger and get some idea of what you need. You want to sell either bike?
I have a Think bike by Ford for sale. My charger no longer works, would have to be replaced. I live in Ohio. Anyone interested?:ride2:
Hi Gang, we were at a Von's here in oceanside, saw a wierd little car, kind of an open Golf-cart looking rid that would seat 4. No doors, bimini type roof, and it said "Think" on it. The guy sitting in the Ford Windstar said a woman pulled up in in, Silent, must be electric.

The steering wheel had a Ford emblem in the center, just like that Windstar.

Fist I have ever seen one!

I would be intrested in possibly selling mine. Its silver. The battery no longer works, not sure if it is the battery or the charger. I lost the key but was able to "hot wire" it.

It was alot of fun I miss it.

Looking for battery/charger that works or looking to sell it.

Let me know if you are can help out with either. Located in MI
I have the fun bike, got in 2000 and it still works, had to send my charger out for repair 4 years ago and they added a relay, works fine, if i can find number i will post.
I have a folding Think bike "Traveler" and was wondering if anyone else on this forum has even heard of Think bike. It got a lousy review online years ago, but the reviewer had to have been mildly brain damaged. The bike is fun and very reliable. I'm gonna hunt for the cruiser version, found two in Phoenix a couple years ago and then lost his contact info.
I have the FUN but my charger and battery are shot too. After much rummaging I found the follow OLD information:

Battery Refurbish
602 S. 1st St.
Pocatello, ID 83201
Attn: Service
Ford Th!nk Bikes LEVT

I haven't had time to follow up yet. Have you tried the website?
Good Luck.
Yes, Suzanne thanks. I got my new batteries at an independent battery dealer. The "pack" on the bike is easy to open and replace batteries. The charger is working fine...I think. I don't let it stay plugged in without my supervision though
I have 2 Think bikes I bought on E-bay in 2002.
They have to be serviced/ parts in Washington State.
Batt. can be bought anywhere. just take the shell apart.

hey saw your post just wondering if you've been able to confirm the location of the company/repair place. My battery charger isn't working at the moment and would greatly appreciate any updated information