The next worse thing to texting while driving....

I forsee a time when the mindless babble of the masses in public will require some sort of mock-privacy for those who need to hear themselves think while trying to use a phone... perhaps a small structure with a folding door and a tiny ledge that would imply you could take notes (but truly will only frustrate the user)... but what would we call it?
Ahhhhh, something, 'booth'. A talk booth? A conversation booth? A communication booth? Nahh, those aren't right.
Anyone else have an idea?

They always depict advanced ailen lifeforms as having very small mouths. Makes you wonder if that's the direction we're headed. Liquid diets and no need to talk = small orifice.

Umm sorry, I saw a winner today riding home from work. It was a female driver with two dogs on her with it's head out the drivers window. She had a female passenger with no dogs on her lap.....they were driving a minivan.

Are you kidding me???????? What is this crazy azz world coming too????

Oh if I were an officer of the law......