Today I put the batteries back on the hub bike. I did it because I had to split up a set for the pusher, so I figured I would just make the second set the dedicated hub set and be done with it. They are not going to be interchangeable anytime soon.
I rode the bike a little later and found that it didn't perform any better and was actually less stable. I might put the trailer back one day soon.
While riding home from the drugstore, I was on a four lane street. I was even on the extreme right of the four lane street. Some fellow, with a body part name, passed me in the left lane beside me on the four lane road. There was no traffic so it was no inconvenience to anyone, but he insisted on blowing his horn at me as he passed.
What could I do, I waved at him real friendly. You have to know that bothered him more than any rude gesture would have. I'm sure it burned him to think I was just answering what I mistook for his friendly greeting rofl. It isn't much fun to have someone smile at your anger, even if it is stupid anger.