the e-bike life....

Hey, that 450W kit looks familiar. :D So my rig is a Currie. :o

They're prices are way lower than I thought, but looks like TNC has the same motors and electrics at just slightly lower prices. Still, both look like great sources for components and have very fair and competitive pricing.

Oh hallelujea lookit!!! I gotta find out if Currie sells just the rear wheel with the freewheel. That southpaw 20T freewheel is gosh darned hard to find anywhere and they sell it already mounted to a wheel that can also take my own cassette. dance1

My wife has grown fond of the hub motor for it's stealth, but misses the torqueness of the geared rig. I think she won't mind riding with a bit of whine. :D
My chain drive pusher has a bit of a whine as well. Get her on a China kit bike for an hour and she won't even notice the ebike whine.

I took a look at the currie kit... When it comes down a little in price there is no reason it wouldn't be a great kit. I'm gonna let you guys play with this one first..... I think I would want that kit on a different wheel though.
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Moving right along, my wife's retirement party is today. Since I sold my car and went total Ebike, I am going to ride it to her party. I have done the route before to be sure that I could make it there and back. You know lay out the most efficient route for the ride, that kind of thing.

I knew that there would be more traffic, since I did the test ride on Sunday morning and never saw a car. What I didn't realize is that it is opening of the international furniture market tomorrow. Yes the downtown is going to be wall to wall cars. I am going to have to be a lot more careful then I would otherwise be. And of curse there will be 18 wheelers unloading furniture everywhere. All in all it should make for an interesting ride.

I think I will wear my helmet today. Cops everywhere and the most out of town traffic of the year... yeah helmet sounds like a good idea. I can't wait to see what the town's officials have to say about a biker slowing down their traffic flow today. It should be interesting to say the least.

I do miss the power of the China Kit bike, but what I don't miss is stalling it trying to start in traffic. Both my ebike will pull me to a start from an uphill stop sign. That will be a good thing today with all the stop and go crap. I mean I will actually have to stop at the stop signs. Way too many police for me to run them as I usually do.
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As is usually the case the ride was much better than I anticipated. The traffic was very light probably due to the economy. Not as many buyers in town I'm sure. The international home furnishing show is a big deal here but not this year it seems.

I did have some bozo turn right in front of me. I managed to get a few names at him before he got away.
Today I put the batteries back on the hub bike. I did it because I had to split up a set for the pusher, so I figured I would just make the second set the dedicated hub set and be done with it. They are not going to be interchangeable anytime soon.

I rode the bike a little later and found that it didn't perform any better and was actually less stable. I might put the trailer back one day soon.

While riding home from the drugstore, I was on a four lane street. I was even on the extreme right of the four lane street. Some fellow, with a body part name, passed me in the left lane beside me on the four lane road. There was no traffic so it was no inconvenience to anyone, but he insisted on blowing his horn at me as he passed.

What could I do, I waved at him real friendly. You have to know that bothered him more than any rude gesture would have. I'm sure it burned him to think I was just answering what I mistook for his friendly greeting rofl. It isn't much fun to have someone smile at your anger, even if it is stupid anger.
I had two interesting bike related things happen today. One I have started to walk my bike test route in the morning and evening. Just a mile each time at first. Today I said hello to a couple of ten year old boys as they waited for the school bus. One of them asked me if I was the man with the motor bikes. i said yes I was.

He asked me what one of them cost. I asked him which one. Of course he liked the hub motor the best. I told him his dad could build one like mine for under four hundred dollars. His little face just dropped.

He also informed that his mom said he could not have a motor bike because he would not get any exercise. I told him that was true and that it was why I was walking in addition to riding the bike. That was my good deed for the day.m I avoided telling him how much fun the bike was.

A couple of hours later I hopped on the bubba bike (hub motor) and went to the store. Actually I went to two stores. One was the home depot where I bought my third wheel for the angle grinder. If I was a better welder, I wouldn't need so many wheels.

Then I swung by for coleslaw for tonight's dinner. In other words I pushed the bike a little farther to see how it was doing. It did five and a half miles and still had push left. Actually it came in at 12.45 volts per battery. I think the bike starts shutting down around 12.25 volts.

I also ordered yet another scooter 24volt battery charger. I know why I blew the others the question now is can I remember not to do it again. I have the two 12 volt battery maintainers that are much more heavy duty to use if I do blow another one.

I wanted the scooter charger because it charges to a higher beginning voltage. I have no idea if it will help or not. I also don't know if it will wear the batteries out faster to have them charged more. but I use one or the other set everyday and charge it everyday and so far it charges full every time.
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I followed a biker part of the way home, today. I got to thinking of the contrast between us. He was wearing spandex and riding a road bike. Purely for the excercise. Here I was on a girlie cruiser with my lights on, wearing my orange vest, a rack bag and pannier. Purely commuter. He turned around before I got to the main highway and he gave me a wave and I gave him a nod and a smile. I doubt he noticed the motor.

I'm starting to use my bike around town more often. People notice me more cause I go in the stores wearing my vest and helmet. I see drivers give me "Whattheheck?" looks when I start from a stop without pedaling. Riding around town is starting to be more fun. I gotta rig up my "milk carton" so I can do more shopping than just a package of this or that. I eventually want to be able to ride up to the chicken farm to buy my usual flat of xlarge eggs every couple weeks. I use my scooter for that, but I'm planning on getting my bike up there. It's a heck of a hill up to the farm, but of course, it's a heck of hill coming back down. :D

Also, now that I have some time under my belt as an ebiker, I'm starting to rethink what kind of bike I should use for my purposes. Maybe switch to a softail for the suspension. Our roads are pretty rough. Tonight I go into town to pick up a purple Kulana for the wife. I'm going to get another rig like mine for her bike. This one's going to need some work, though. Seller says it was stored in the weather so things are rusty. He's asking $50 and I have 3 "$20" mountain bikes I can scavenge good parts from. Only thing I have to buy is the new handlebar, which looked totally brown from rust. I'm not going to bother even trying to clean that up. Only thing I failed to do was ask if the frame itself was rusting. Don't care if the components or fenders are rotting away. Main thing is the frame still looks good. Wife likes THAT purple. :-{ :D
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Grouchy--At least the egg farm isn't like the trip to school when we were kids.Up hill both ways.At least mine was.
I am waiting for fedx,they have another ebike for my wife.I told her we could use them on the farm to look at the corn.She told me thats why she has a 4x4 mule for that.So i bought her a trailer so she could sell her cookies and cakes out of it ,I think that worked.She is known in town as the cookie diva.HARLEYS DAD
My last two bikes have been built on kiddie bike frames... They seem to work pretty well since I can't stand on one leg more than a millisecond without falling. That 20" wheel is slow but has a lot of torque,

And I two am thinking soft rear. I had one from my grand daughter and I liked it. I screwed up the front fork and dumped it because of that. If I see a good used 24inch one, I will probably get it. I might make it single speed with the chain rigged for the highest gear combination.

My two bikes now have a pretty high gear combination and I like how they work out.
So today I assembled the second pusher motor and wheel. I didn't mount it yet just got the wheel and motor together. It looks as though it will work okay. I tested it and it turns.

Now for today.s rant and rave. The weller soldering iron I got has been nothing but a pain in the you know where. I finally decided to just use it till the next time it refuses to heat then it is in the trash. It had those allen wrench tightening contraptions. The allen wrench someone rounded out the little hole. So not I have a twenty dollar iron that is useless oned the tip that is in it goes.

I went ahead and ordered a different kind of Iron this time. I got one of those pencil types. My thirty watt is a pencil and I've had it forever. I just needed a bigger one to solder 12 gauge wire.

The second problem er er challenge was that my #25 chain braker was broke. I had forgotten that. I struggled through with a vise grip a bicycle breaker and a punch. Don't ask how that worked.

Oh well such is life with an ebike.
I just recieved an email from currie.The electro drive kit is now out.It will have a motor,battery rack,charger,etc.all the parts you need too convert a 26inch bIke to ebike .HD

I think they said 399.00 HD

I'm glad to hear the electro drive kit is back, but at $400?
You can get the whole bike for $300? That doesn't seem right.

How did you start recieveing e-mail notices from currie?
I expect that all the website stuff is at suggested retail. Walmart I bet is discounted from a much high price on the website. We might see those kits show up 0n ebay.
OZZY I went to their site and signed up for their eletter,Iget it every week.I recieved my wife's ebike today,from 289.00 +shipping+tax 350.59 total.I removed all the pink decals.changing seat to a slick black leather one.If i could teach harley to ride i would order another one HARLEYS DAD
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OZZY I went to their site and signed up for their eletter,Iget it every week.I recieved my wife's ebike today,from 289.00 +shipping+tax 350.59 total.I removed all the pink decals.changing seat to a slick black leather one.If i could teach harley to ride i would order another one HARLEYS DAD

Good to hear another e- zip owner! Finally addressed the bike main problem, the way I use it anyhow. Got a Li-Ion 24V 20ah pack for it! Details here:

Should have posted it here but, like maybe 6 people go here. LOL

I thought I registered at Currie Techonlogies Hybrid Electric Bicycles - IZIP Electric Bike and EZIP Electric Scooter but apparently not. Have you heard anyh=thin about the e-zip with Li-Ion's or Ni-Cad's?
I think there is a ton in what you say..."Finally addressed the bike main problem, the way I use it anyhow. Got a Li-Ion 24V 20ah pack for it!

Most people get so caught up in new technology that they overlook that everyone's use of the bikes is different. Lithium poly batteries make perfect sense if you are going to be riding it far enough and regularly enough for the bike experience to in some sense pay for them.

In my case they are just too expensive for the five mile trips I make. If I was truly replacing a commuter automobile with my ebike, then a $300 set of batteries would be less than two months worth of gasoline. In that case it would be a highly financially advantageous purchase.

In my case as a retired old fart, they would make sense only if the price came down to double that of an sla pack. Then the long life and more punch would make it worth the purchase price.

Regardless I am keeping an eye on battery technology. I have a feeling the best is yet to come.
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