I swore on saint Max's ashes, My previous dog, that I would not build another motor bike. Honest I had the best of intentions. I was going to update one that I have by adding a smaller rear wheel sprocket. Honest that's all I intended to do.
I ordered the sprocket and since the pusher wheel on my spare bike didn't have a freewheel I pulled one that did off an old trailer. I stuck an axle I had laying around in it. So I was waiting for the sprocket from tnc to arrive, when I saw this motor on ebay.
Now I have 350 watt motors with neat little mounts that I have been using. The motor that fits the ez mount only comes in 350 watts. With the faster sprocket a more powerful motor would be nice. That was my only thought, when I went looking around on ebay. Just wishing since those things run about sixty bucks at least.
There it was staring me in the face. A 450 watt motor with a bid of only 2 1/2 bucks shipping just ten bucks. That is just peanuts. So I made a bid of 6 bucks max. That would make the motor half what I paid for a 350 watt motor. I never thought I would win it but I did.
So now I have this wheel almost ready to go... I have a more powerful motor on the way. It can't use my quick mount, so I have to mount it on the pusher in a different way. I will probably have to have a longer pusher frame to do that, so I am going to have to build a new frame for it.
If I do that, I might as well buy another junker bike, the one I have needs a new rear wheel anyway. So now I'm going to be building a forth bike. My wife is going to divorced me for sure.
Unless I pull the 350watt EZ built bike pusher off and sell it on ebay as a DIY elec motor kit. There is a thought but I really do not want to ship that thing. Or... I could sell the hub motor kit and tell my wife that I really do need three push bikes. Yeah she is going to believe that alright. Or I could just save the new motor and wheel I need to replace to do the upgrade. One day I will have it laying about in case I come up with some other idea. I can put it beside the friction drive that I also have laying about just in case.
Decisions decisions decisions