the e-bike life....

Today I received a new 24v scooter battery charger. It was a replacement for the other two that I had blown. I got it at noon, at 12:10 I blew it up. I hope I realize now after 60 bucks worth of those toys that I am not meant to use one. I'm going to continue to use my 12 volt chargers. i bought two of those battery maintainers (float chargers from Wallymart at 20bucks each and they do not blow. I think I need heavy duty stuff since I obviously am not competent to play with lightweight stuff.
The only thing I like about the hub motor bike is that it looks better than the others, but I really prefer the pusher bike. I am going to be riding it more and the hub less I think.
Well today I tried my new morning routine for the first time. It's feed the dogs, put the big one out, roll out the pusher bike, ride it to the nature trail, lock it to a concrete bench, walk a half mile out and a half mile back, then ride the bike home.

I get a one mile walk in and a two mile ride that way. I will be increasing the walk but I have to start slowly my back is old and hurts when I walk too much. I figure the pusher bike is the safest one to ride. Not from the accident point of view from from the theft pov.

I have the bike on the battery charger as I write this.
Its been raining for a while now. They say tomorrow will be better. I need to do a couple of things to the pusher bikes so I won't be riding to the park tomorrow. I promised to take my wife to breakfast so that is the morning plan. I also need to run by home depot for some 3/8" bolts. I'm hoping they will take some of the play out of my pusher frames.

I guess I'm going to pick up some alligator clamps. I want to ride the pusher and I don't know when my clamps and new soldering iron will arrive. I can make do for now with some lightweight gear.
Deacon--Can you use the marine battery clamps that clamp on the post like a regular battery clamp but have a bolt and wing nut instead of a cable.
They might hold better than gator clips?
Deacon--Can you use the marine battery clamps that clamp on the post like a regular battery clamp but have a bolt and wing nut instead of a cable.
They might hold better than gator clips?

I wish but it has those spade blades on the battery. I don't think that they intended that you move them around from bike to bike. One of the things that surprises me is that my dad had the same soldering iron for a hundred years, but i have gone through three in the last couple of years. One was supposed to be a good Webber but the screw holding the tip in stripped and it was just too small to work with. I cut the cord off and chucked it last week.

I am going a different connection way this time. You know what I did find though that is kind cook. When I made the hub battery pack I taped two 12 volt sla batteries taped side by side. I soldered all kinds of things on those two terminals to make them a serial connection. the pos and neg terminals are side by side no more than a half inch apart. I finally used a big old paper spring clip the covered both of them. So far it has held. Unlike the solder clip, if I knock it off, I can put it right back on. I am looking for something like that for the pusher batteries.

I also did something interesting with a battery that had that spade blade that broke off. I super glued a nut to the battery plastic case. the nut was in contact with the nub of the spade connector so it was making contact and the super glue held it in place. The battery was old and wouldn't old a charge so I didn't get to use it enough to see if it would have worked or not.
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I rode my pusher electric bike down to the walking trail. It is a two mile round trip. I would never walk down to that trail but it is a great place to walk. A pedal biker and a man walking a dog were the only ones I saw today. Yesterday I saw a runner and a middleage woman who moved well off the trail when she saw me.

Not sure if it was really me or not but she didn't look at me till i spoke. I assured her that I was too old to be dangerous and laughed. Then I put the bike back together and rode off into the morning sunshine.

I always take one of the battery wires with me. The bike is also locked of course. I like to be as careful as I can without being paranoid. Oh yeah I also carry a club maybe that is what worried the little ole lady.,
I rode the bubba bike to home depot today. It's a total of 5.5 miles I think. The bike did pretty well actually. The time of day and the weather were not ideal. I let my wife talk me into going at church time and it was traffic city. I should have gone at eight when I wanted to originally.

I rode the bike down a very heavy traffic route. It has the fewest inclines so it was easy going. Let the cars worry about me, I'm through worrying about them.

The last time I rode this bike I had the batteries fail intermittently. I later found the cause to be the bit of metal I used to connet them into a series circuit. Since they are taped together it only takes an inch of material to connect them. I changed to a small spring clamp, the kind used to hold papers together. I just took it off when I went into home depot. I wasn't going to be gone but a minute and I felt that I would be back before anyone figure out how to power off on my bike.

Now loading it into the back of a pickup or someone pedaling off were both possibilities. Anyway nothing happened and it was a fun trip. It did look like rain the whole time which is a bit disconcerting.
I think I got the evil bike finished yesterday but today it's rainy and wet so I can't test it yet. I'm going to spend the day with my coffee cup and my computer I guess.

When I went Green (lol), I gave a lot of thought to the weather. Would an ebike work out for me with the number of rain days and all. Then I realized that I wouldn't ride a gasoline bike in the rain either. The ebike will do okay on a wet road long as the rain isn't falling so there really is no difference.

As for cold weather riding. I would keep it down to a bare minimum. Even then the speed factor would be a two edged sword. I would be in the cold longer for sure on an Ebike, but the wind chill would be less. So I guess it all evens out.
I have been caught in a pretty good rain with the e-zip. I was waiting for the big zap.LOL Never happened! The batt's are SEALED lead acid in a case and the motor is sealed. The ele. components are in a box between the batt's in the rack. Plus I have a big big milk crate like basket with a solid bottom on top of it.
I should seal up my controller. It's about the only thing that is at risk. On the bikes I built that is a different story. However they probably have even less except for the household switch. then again it might not be a problem either.
That's why I got me a 4 stroke scooter. At least it gives some protection from road wash. I got caught several times in the rain with my ebike. I hated it. Fenders are useless when it rains that hard and muddy water gets flung up front and behind.

Also didn't help the new Nike "raingear" I bought wasn't waterproof. Good thing it was a garage sale find. Only cost me a buck and still had the tags. No wonder they sold it. laff

Also the rain jacket I bought from Walmart fell apart. Beware. It looked pretty good and was actually waterproof. But all the zipper pulls broke and the underarm is unraveling. Lousy Chinese made parts and assembled garment. :-{ Same with the yellow PVC suit I bought. Crotch and underarms are now all vented. Time for the duct tape! laff Now I gotta go find a place that sells quality raingear. Everything I got has sprung leaks. :p
Reinforced plastic garbage bag poncho..... Ya get more than you pay for. Course your arms will get wet and does nothing for your legs, but man is it cheap.
If you remember I have my battery packs set up on a household extension cord connectors. My battery pack I know is good for at least five miles on the hub bike. A bike with a hub motor and sla battery pack is a lot of weight to push. I wanted a little extra range now and then for a ride out to the lake. I also want to be able to use my trailer for things other than the battery packs so, I just ordered a set of smaller sla batteries to make a second pack that I can carry on the bike.

By using both packs, I can extend the range of the bike to at least 8 miles maybe as much as 12. I have never run the bike dead flat as it is. I just don't want to have to try to pedal that monster up hill. I have a couple of options. I can save about ten pounds by not using them on most of my errand runs, but then again what is ten pounds on a power bike. I'm not after speed, just convenience.

Since I need the hub motor to pull the trailer, I think I need a bigger hub motor. I would really like at least five hundred watts and 36 volts. Of course I want it on a full suspension bike. It would be very hard to figure out a place to put the batteries on the bike and the trailer is for cargo so that is going to require some thought.

The reason I don't add the packs to one of my pusher motors is that I can't pull a trailer with them. If I did that, I would look like a one man convoy going down the road. There would be the bike with a one wheel pusher trailer behind and a two wheel cargo trailer behind that. Now that would probably get noticed.
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I took the evil bike out for a ride today to make the final adjustments. I kick the crap out of it but it fought me all the way. It must have had ten small things wrong. Every time I cured one problem, I found that it had masked another problem. It was a nightmare of funny noises and trying to find the origin of them.

It runs really well now after a lot of adjusting, but it still has a lot of chain noise. I hope that is just stiff links that will work out eventually. I must have pieced together three smaller chains to make the motor drive chain. Well once I get the batteries charged I will try it again I think. Probably ride it down to the park to do my walk for the day.
I'm up early and planning to go walking in a few minutes. Today I am going to increase the walk from one mile down the trail to 1.5 miles. The guys on the city site were good enough to post the mileage for different parts of the trail. I had figured the part I used by swag to be 1 mile round trip and it turns out I was dead on. I found a bit to add that would make a mile and a half from their map so I'm good to go this morning.

It starts at a little league field also a good place to try out my metal detector when it arrives. Not at the same time as the walk of course. So I have to feed my pack of dogs and settle them in for the day then I'm off. Who said retirement was boring.

update: I rode the evil bike down to the park and it seems to be under control at least for now. I walked the 1 1/2 miles and did just fine. I passed a middle-aged woman (young to me) walking two giant sheep dogs. They were extremely well behaved. I passed what seemed to be a college student on a pedal bike as well.

What really made me smile was at the tennis courts. They have the regular tall fence. about 15 feet I would guess. Inside at 7am, when no self respecting yuppie tennis player would be out of bed, was a man with a big white dog. The dog was running around and the man was leaning on a pooper scooper. Now I am sure he has the best intentions, but one day he is going leave just a little smear and some nice yuppie princess is going slip and fall right into it.

I have to admit that the greenway walking trail begins in the restored historic yuppie part of town. It does go through some lower middle glass areas as well. Not quite into the hood yet, but some of the areas are pretty close. It is still a great walk.

It occurs to me that if I am going to write a narrative like this I should give better details. So the women with the two sheep dogs was probably 5 6 around 140lbs with shoulder length brown hair. She was actually rather ordinary looking in a pleasant well kept way. She smiled but of course didn't answer when I complimented her on the dog's bahavior. That is just a sign of the times. In the days when I wore a younger man's skin, she would have at least said thank you. These days it isn't safe to talk to even an old man. That has been beat into a woman's head from her teenaged years. It is a darn shame but that's progress. I honestly didn't notice what she was wearing but I will do a better job next time I promise.

I do remember that her dogs were those woolly long haired sheep dogs and huge. Probably they just looked that way because of all that hair. shave them and they might have been no bigger than a generic thirty pound stray.

The kid on the bike was just your typical older teenager. Since he was headed in the direction of the college which the greenway also runs through, I just assumed he was a student. Funny thing though it was a coaster bike. I usually associate teens with mountain bikes. He probably stole it from his mother when he left for school.

I have a old raggy compact digital camera that I use for ebay stuff. I also shoot my bikes with it. I might start taking it with me so you guys can see what I see in the morning. I have been looking for an excuse to buy a new raggy camera anyway.

PS... mods, if this is wasted space let me know and I'll try to stay on point more....
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The small additional batteries arrived today. I set the battery pack up and it is very heavy. I think I might just go back to using a trailer. The additional batteries gave me an additional 50% if range. Instead of beginning to falter at 4miles of total wot, it lasted to six. If i do battery management it runs to six with the old method so I can probably get to nine. That's more than enough to go about anywhere I want.

But they also gave the bike a definite balance problem. I just bought a front suspension fork for the bike so that will help with the bumps in the road but not with the weight in the back problem. I almost sure a battery trailer is the answer.