I'm up early and planning to go walking in a few minutes. Today I am going to increase the walk from one mile down the trail to 1.5 miles. The guys on the city site were good enough to post the mileage for different parts of the trail. I had figured the part I used by swag to be 1 mile round trip and it turns out I was dead on. I found a bit to add that would make a mile and a half from their map so I'm good to go this morning.
It starts at a little league field also a good place to try out my metal detector when it arrives. Not at the same time as the walk of course. So I have to feed my pack of dogs and settle them in for the day then I'm off. Who said retirement was boring.
update: I rode the evil bike down to the park and it seems to be under control at least for now. I walked the 1 1/2 miles and did just fine. I passed a middle-aged woman (young to me) walking two giant sheep dogs. They were extremely well behaved. I passed what seemed to be a college student on a pedal bike as well.
What really made me smile was at the tennis courts. They have the regular tall fence. about 15 feet I would guess. Inside at 7am, when no self respecting yuppie tennis player would be out of bed, was a man with a big white dog. The dog was running around and the man was leaning on a pooper scooper. Now I am sure he has the best intentions, but one day he is going leave just a little smear and some nice yuppie princess is going slip and fall right into it.
I have to admit that the greenway walking trail begins in the restored historic yuppie part of town. It does go through some lower middle glass areas as well. Not quite into the hood yet, but some of the areas are pretty close. It is still a great walk.
It occurs to me that if I am going to write a narrative like this I should give better details. So the women with the two sheep dogs was probably 5 6 around 140lbs with shoulder length brown hair. She was actually rather ordinary looking in a pleasant well kept way. She smiled but of course didn't answer when I complimented her on the dog's bahavior. That is just a sign of the times. In the days when I wore a younger man's skin, she would have at least said thank you. These days it isn't safe to talk to even an old man. That has been beat into a woman's head from her teenaged years. It is a darn shame but that's progress. I honestly didn't notice what she was wearing but I will do a better job next time I promise.
I do remember that her dogs were those woolly long haired sheep dogs and huge. Probably they just looked that way because of all that hair. shave them and they might have been no bigger than a generic thirty pound stray.
The kid on the bike was just your typical older teenager. Since he was headed in the direction of the college which the greenway also runs through, I just assumed he was a student. Funny thing though it was a coaster bike. I usually associate teens with mountain bikes. He probably stole it from his mother when he left for school.
I have a old raggy compact digital camera that I use for ebay stuff. I also shoot my bikes with it. I might start taking it with me so you guys can see what I see in the morning. I have been looking for an excuse to buy a new raggy camera anyway.
PS... mods, if this is wasted space let me know and I'll try to stay on point more....