Today looks like that mutha of a day after a build is completed. I have to clean up the shop and put away all the tools. I also have to rearrange the shop so that I can actually walk through it. My storage shed is filled with stuff I have no use for at all any more. I have a set of ramps I bought to change the oil in one of my cars that was so low to the ground no one could slide under it. I am 64 years old, I no longer drive my wife has a car with a ten year warranty, but only if the dealer changes the oil, so the chances of me ever using those again is zero. They are just in my way. I have a lot of things like that around. Today might be the day to dump them onto someone who can actually use them.
Oh yeah my daughter wants me to find her a bike to ride. No gears. The chances of finding an adult bike with no gears is pretty slim these days. I expect that I will buy her the best of the mountain style bikes and just make it a one speed. they have all these directions to make a 20 speed bike a single speed bike out there. Unless you plan to seriously ride, just remove the excess hardware and find a gear that lines up, then shorten the chain. She will ride the bike a half dozen times I think.
I am going to find time to ride the tandem bike (bike with robot second rider aka pusher) sometime today. I think it might be the one best suited for me. I can't believe I paid almost 300 bucks for a bike that is good looking and all, but isn't any better than one I built for under 100 bucks. Just goes to show you that adage about a fool and his money. Also to be honest it gave me something to measure the tandems performance against.
So now I own "Bubba and the Tandem" Sounds like a good book tittle. bye the way the tandem does not require that I pedal first it can pull me to a start.