the e-bike life....

I have both halves of my new trailer ready for the wheel and motor. Since I don't really trust my welding yet, I am going to run a bolt through the joints as well. It will reduce the stress on the welds. The welds will decrease the mobility of the joints. It has to be a win win.

I am considering training wheels on the pusher, or at least legs.
I got the new trailer together and then had to take it apart to readjust the the chain on the scooter motor. I decided to store it in the shed so I wouldn't have to remove the pusher I have decided to view it as a bicycle built for two where the guy behind me is stronger.
Today looks like that mutha of a day after a build is completed. I have to clean up the shop and put away all the tools. I also have to rearrange the shop so that I can actually walk through it. My storage shed is filled with stuff I have no use for at all any more. I have a set of ramps I bought to change the oil in one of my cars that was so low to the ground no one could slide under it. I am 64 years old, I no longer drive my wife has a car with a ten year warranty, but only if the dealer changes the oil, so the chances of me ever using those again is zero. They are just in my way. I have a lot of things like that around. Today might be the day to dump them onto someone who can actually use them.

Oh yeah my daughter wants me to find her a bike to ride. No gears. The chances of finding an adult bike with no gears is pretty slim these days. I expect that I will buy her the best of the mountain style bikes and just make it a one speed. they have all these directions to make a 20 speed bike a single speed bike out there. Unless you plan to seriously ride, just remove the excess hardware and find a gear that lines up, then shorten the chain. She will ride the bike a half dozen times I think.

I am going to find time to ride the tandem bike (bike with robot second rider aka pusher) sometime today. I think it might be the one best suited for me. I can't believe I paid almost 300 bucks for a bike that is good looking and all, but isn't any better than one I built for under 100 bucks. Just goes to show you that adage about a fool and his money. Also to be honest it gave me something to measure the tandems performance against.

So now I own "Bubba and the Tandem" Sounds like a good book tittle. bye the way the tandem does not require that I pedal first it can pull me to a start.
Deacon--If war is ****,old age is running a hard second place.
Looks like you have hit the wall a lot of us have.You wipe the dust of it,look at it lovingly, remember the good times you both had and put it back on the work bench.
Iv'e yard saled a lot of stuff this past while.Wish I'd felt worse about getting rid of it.
I have a years age on you and though I never thought it would happen I am tired of pushing a car down the road.Cost is a killer and driving is no fun.Thats why I'm looking forward to an E-bike.
Any idea when the book will be out.
I haven't built a good enough bike yet to do a how to for ebikes. Truth is though they are a lot of fun, if you don't have a schedule to keep.

I made a couple of more changes to the robo-tandem (pusher) bike today. I had to the welds didn't hold in a couple of places on a long bumpy ride. When I got home I ran bolts through all the joints and welded them as well.

Tomorrow I am going to ride the robo tandem and the bubba bike somewhere for sure. I have a bike I have to rebuild for my step daughter and her step daughter to share. They want to lose weight. I might build them a pusher but I doubt it. First I need to fix the bike they brought me.

The gears don't change which is fine they don't want a bike with gears anyway. Both brake cables are broken. I think I'm going to install new caliper brakes, they have v brakes but I don't have any of those laying around.
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Thanks fever,

The bike is going to be the death of me. If I don't have a heart attack from the work on it, then it will probably turn me head on into a cop car. Still anything for a laugh.
Deacon--Death by motor bike or death by a jealouse husband! One of lifes greatest choices.????
Fast Eddy still one peddle ahead of his brain.
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I was thinking during my morning shower how I am going to explain my fascination with bike riding to my 5year old grandson. I wish he was older so he would understand. I am rebuilding a bike for his mom to ride with him. He is going to have questions for sure. "Why do you ride a bike "P" (his name for me)?

Bike riding is life caught in a single microcosm. Some days it seems that it is all downhill or flat, Some days it seems to be all uphill and a strain so bad you are not sure you will make it to the top, then you have to do it all over again.

But the more you work at it the more you can enjoy the downhill and flats and the smaller those same hills seem to get. So in the end up have your ups and down but they kind of seem to even out a little. Then of course there is the inevitable crash at the the end. But ****, I do it for the ride not to get anywhere in particular.

Then of course I could be mysterious and say, "I ride because I still can."

I hope this is the final version of the pusher
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I got to test the two bikes side by side today and found that the have a similar performance thought a totally different power curve.

the pusher has great torque and bottom end. It has very little top speed. I think that has to do with the 12 inch wheel

the hub has less torque but more top end so it hits the hills at a high speed. So the effect is pretty much the same for both bikes. So one is actually no better than the other. One is just much cheaper.
I rode the robo tandem several miles today and it was great fun. I went down to the bike shop to ask about a longer seat post and they do have one that would work. I'm supposed to get a number off the post I want to replace. Since the one I have seems to be holding okay at the moment, I'm in no hurry for it.

I also took it up a hill that has always been tough on me Ebike. I sailed right up it with very minor assist from me. It will not get out of it's own way on the flat but it is a mountain goat on the hills. That's where I need it the most so it is perfect.
Since my two bikes are similar in performance I had to do it. You knew I would. I bought a rear scooter wheel on ebay. It is the one with the motor mount attached. I have a message out to the man who is selling it. It seems that he also has the motor for it. I can get one from another source, but maybe I can save a buck on he shipping from him.

Im going to attach it to the bubba bike and share the battery pack. My plan is to turn it on just for hills. I can still ride the pure pusher for exercise but use the combo (like at mcdonalds) bike when I want to just ride somewhere. I Know I'm really just doing it to see what will happen. It will be a two out if three wheel drive bike. It will be interesting to see what effect it has on battery consumption.
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It is not often that things seem to work as they should. I set the bubba bike up for the new pusher which I have the frame ready for. It all worked out much better than I thought it would.

I rode the bubba bike and found that the batteries were still in good shape but need to be right off the charger for max range. I also need ride it more conservatively. I am going now to ride the robo tandem to check for battery useage on the same course. I want to know which is the better bike for range.
I just recieved an email from currie.The electro drive kit is now out.It will have a motor,battery rack,charger,etc.all the parts you need too convert a 26inch bIke to ebike .HD
well it's about the price of some of the hub motors, and more than the wallymart bike. But there is some upside as well.

You can put in on any bike you want. Now that would be a great benefit to people like me who need special bikes... I have a feeling it will be more efficient than a like sized hub motor, so you could drag less battery weight around for the same performance I expect.
Deacon the e bike at walmart is 150.00 less in the store than on the currie site.I would guess walmart will sell the kits at less money .HD