hi,silverbear, there is no ratchet as such. just a spring clip. that drops into a slot on the inner leg, and should be easy to replace the wire clip if it rusts out, and had already thought of remedy. as i was fixing it on, i thought all you have to is put a jubilee hose clamp above the outer leg, and set it where you like. as good as a screwed leg and nut type. also with the one i have now, you can tip the bike over onto the other leg, and bring the leg down farther, the go round the other side and do the same till you have the height you want. to get the rear wheel off. and one handed, try doing that with any other type, still it is early days, will see how it goes. kept on lowest setting untill i need the height, cant do that with fixed types and bike looks silly stuck high in the air all the time. bye