Well, the bike's been idle for about a week now. I changed the oil last month and it turns out some of it spilled in the kickstand mounting hole. It was hard to tell that it happened since the bike's black. The vibrations from the motor, as well as the oil, caused the kickstand to come loose eventually.
I noticed it during a trip, so I took it off and tossed it in one of my baskets, hoping to clean everything and put it back together when I got back home. Instead, during the ride home, and I still can't figure out how it happened, but the kickstand managed to poke its way out of the basket into the spokes of the rear wheel.
I managed to stop without falling, but the damage is still done. The basket was bent to **** and the spokes on the left side of the wheel are all tweaked. I decided to use that "opportunity" to get a new rear wheel, this time with a heavy duty axle and with the sprocket mounted directly to it.
Here it is in happier times, doing laundry duty.