starting a trike truck project

Please accept my condolences on your wife passing.

Thanks for posting. I saw somewhere else some one using a transmission that looked like that and think I understand it has the kickstart. Just a question, does that kickstart fold down or in like on motorcycles?
OH, so sorry to hear of your wife's passing. My friend, Bill just lost his wife and life will never be the same. Have to keep plugging along on projects to keep occupied.

Did you ever find a 5-7 inch pulley? Was it to bolt onto the peerless with the 4 bolts? I'll look through my box of stuff and see if I have one with a flat center.
Yes I was looking for one but I've changed what I'm putting on the truck project...Thankyou for the kind words too.
The Albion I'm just gonna chain to engine and then a cross shaft. Do look for that pulley for future stuff though..I couldn't find one when looking before.
It's going to be awsome... I can't wait till Portland this year. I can stop thinking about Racin driving around with me in the truck bed enjoying the sights! One sight will be Snoofer Joe kick starting his WHIZZER,it's a beautiful thing!
Yes, riding mowers, etc. I find them at swap meets for $10-$20. I have two five speed, one three speed and one that's just forward and reverse. They all have reverse. There's a sprocket on one side and a small disc brake on the other that's interchangeable with the same splines. I used one in my 4 wheel project a few years ago.

I've always wanted to take the pulley off one and turn the shaft up pointing forward. Then couple it to a horizontal shaft motor with a centrifugal clutch. The side sprocket would be chained to the rear drive wheel on a bike (with the reverse removed). Use the disc for a rear brake. Used on a three or four wheeler, just leave the pulley on and belt it to a vertical shaft motor like the garden tractors are. Add a Peerless diffy and you're all set. One of those projects I may never get to, but I have all the stuff if I do. .
Sounds like me got all the stuff, and no time..Them transmissions come on small snow blowers also.............Curt